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Live Show Recap: Landscape

Holy hell you guys, this episode was bonkers. Jet-lagged Chelsea and weirdly tan Tony are on point. We had a record number of live viewers which led to a horrific live chat and so many photo submissions we crashed the site. All in all it was a blast.

Chelsea knows world politics, and the president of Kazakhstan is Subaru.

We start the show off with Chit-Chat, our favorite segment where we highlight the best and worst comments we get on our YouTube channel throughout the week.

  • Tony is chill af
  • Chelsea has nice front hair
  • no news here. Oh, except the 5D Mark IV, the worst kept secret in photography.

T&C talk about the 5D Mark IV and what cameras they brought to Ireland. “I really hope I don’t have a calendar when I’m dead.”

Ok, we get into your pictures here:

  • “what is that? Is that the little animal from the original Battlestar Galactica?” “Is that a baby holding a monkey?”
  • “uh oh, do you see why there’s only one set of tracks? It’s cause Jesus carried him.”
  • lovely reflection
  • rowers “they’re actually trying to row away from each other. But they’re not bright!”
  • duuuucks on the water. Fire in the sky.
  • edge of the earth
  • crepuscular rays
  • “let’s go on, this is crap
  • barbed wire
  • purples
  • “simple, nice, makes me want to go golfing
  • explain these horse heads to me

Over to me for your questions!

  • where in Ireland were you? Dead guy in a gutter with a Guinness can in his hand. “Welcome to Ireland!””Home of the dead guy.”
  •  tips or tricks to make a good image with bad light? Focus on composition, processing, HDR.
  • how often do you visit a location before you get your shot? Depends!

Ok, let’s look at a portfolio. Fix your layout! Pare down some images.

Now another one! More tiny dog, less everything else. Less sub-menus, pare it down to professional menus. “Get rid of that guest book because it’s not 1998 anymore.”

Back over to me because Chelsea loves to hear my voice. Oh, and your questions.

  • how do you wind down? Cry, eat too much. Make a list to make things more manageable, make a schedule or routine. Take a bike ride, play video games, gym, sports.
  • how to fix a dark sky when you have a complicated horizon? Graduated filter! But if not that, what? Nope, just that. The more natural the better.
  • how to shoot in a dark space indoors? Use a fast prime lens and a camera that does well with high ISO. Flash could be horrible in a dark space like that.

Back to photos:

Over to me for some more questions:

  • call me the troll killer. “Don’t give the trolls movie recommendations!”
  • best for depth of field? Small aperture or hyperfocal? for more info.
  • 12 v 14 bit raw files? No one cares.
  • what do you listen to when you edit? Chelsea: Podcasts, Kendrick Lamar, classical. Tony: Marina and the Diamonds, Tov Lo. Judge John Hodgman for both.
  • words for bangs? So many penis words.

A few more photos before we head out (sorry for the keyboard banging, I forgot to mute myself):

Aaaand here is where the show falls apart in the best way. “How do you stay married to me, I look ridiculous.” “I love you so much, you’re so brown.”

“I can’t stop laughing. You look like a sausage.”

And there we have it, folks. Next week we’ll be reviewing your “Adventure” photos! So go out and shoot something fun. If you didn’t know, I’ve been blogging each week as I learn photography, and trying to shoot for each live show subject. So learn along with me!

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Live Show Recap: Portraits with Matt Granger

Guys! We had Matt Granger Skyped into the show this week and it was a blast. We review your portraits and we got some gems!

Matt is doing a trip to Bhutan which he tells us about here.

NO SHOW NEXT WEEK! Remember and don’t be disappointed. But in two weeks we’ll be looking at your landscapes.

We start the show with Chit-Chat, everyone’s favorite segment where we talk about mean/funny/weird things that people say to us on YouTube.

  • Nkeyah and David, hittin’ on Tony
  • if you missed it, Nigel Barker was on a bonus live show this week! Today is the last day to submit to to compete on Nigel’s new show, Top Photographer.
  • moon troof. “oh, you speak maniac”
  • erratically flying head
  • “this guy spends his days listening to mowers.” TLC “Scrubs” sing-off!
  • Home Alone-ing

Okay, we start looking at your portraits here. Please forgive the crazy echo on Matt, we get it fixed around 18 minutes:

  • toilet pose
  • first pick of the day
  • this baby is watching the news, and bad things are happening in the world”
  • this baby is having feelings”
  • balloon fro
  •  “Matt, how’d this person get a picture of you?” “people don’t realize how much they hate Christmas.”
  • that baby has her Phd in posing” “do you think that baby’s gonna kill him after?”
  • first portrait attempt, first pick!
  • “it’s like when someone points out how you walk and then you forget how to do it”
  • great mood, great lines

Over to me for some questions for the crew:

  • jack o’lantern camera?
  • how to get your model relaxed for a portrait? Weed. Jk, be set up totally beforehand, have inspiration photos and a run sheet prepared, etc.
  • Best portrait lenses for Nikon DX and for Canon EF? Depends on your setting says Matt. Tony loves the Sigma 50-100 f/1.8.

Now to a portfolio! Get a more professional portrait of yourself! Don’t include multiple shots from the same shoot. Your horror shots are great, you have good range of styles. Maybe change up your cover page.

T&C and Matt are meeting up in Germany at Photokina! You can meet up with them too.

Now back to portraits:

  • “she’s got the same bra as Tony”
  • great color
  • “Is that Obi Wan or Hasan in a bed sheet”
  • unconventional composition
  • “Matt, could we do some cosplay stuff? Like I dress up as Pikachu and you take pictures of me?”
  • so many good babies this episode
  • lovely B&W
  • “I feel like this guy’s my dad and we went out to lunch and I told him something that disappointed him”
  • they just tear into the styling of this shoot and it cracks me up. “She’s wearing so much but so little.” Also the birth of the phrase “American teeth.”
  • portrait winner for the night

Matt’s connection starts breaking up, and it’s hilarious. The show devolves from here.

  • lovely portrait by Andrew
  • “I feel like they just got their faces painted at a carnival.” “that’s what you feel like? What makes you feel that?”
  • tips on group portraits, make a pyramid
  • story in the sunglasses

Chelsea channels me for more questions:

  • Photokina plans?
  • comment on this image on the screen real quick, lovely
  • how to make a model look taller? Put her next to short people, build small props, put her next to an innaccurate ruler, platform shoes, corrective surgery.

Back to portraits:

Back to me:

  • maternity shoot tips? Keep it classy. Just don’t do weird stuff.
  • how to keep in fresh and not get burned out? Collaborate, be grateful that you’re paying the bills taking pictures, switch genres, shoot for yourself in between paid shoots.
  • tips on the meteor shower? Night photography tips!

Here’s Matt singing No Scrubs, the thing you never knew you didn’t want.

Sharky James who is great posted a photo on Twitter of him with TLC. They were my favorite group in 5th grade.

Chelsea wants to be thanked for being here. Thanks Chels!


So again, no show next week, but in two weeks tune in for Landscapes! Byyyyye.

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Live Show Recap: Photoshop My Photo!

Live show recap is back! This week Tony and Chelsea tackled Photoshopping your photos. Like what you see? Pre-order our book on Photoshop while it’s still super cheap! 

Chelsea made me laugh uncontrollably more than once this episode. 

We start off with some news:

  • Canon’s stock closet at the Olympics is bonkers
  • Tony bought an old Nikon F on eBay after they talked about the history of Nikon on the podcast

Now for Chit-Chat! Chelsea’s favorite part of the show where we give undue attention to people who bad-mouth us on the internet! And Smaakjeks making great jokes. This week is all nice stuff though!

  • old time-y shit talking
  • Tony’s beautiful voice
  • poo audio
  • Tony predicting the future
  • being called badass mutha*******
  • Chelsea trying to back TheCameraStoreTV into saying they love her

Don’t rank us against our friends! 

Ok, we start working on your photos here. We don’t go through a ton because the process is a bit more labor intensive this week. But watch, you might learn something! I’ll highlight some of our favorites below:

  • a man and his dog in ‘Nam
  • baby bear! Duplicate it. Dent it’s head.
  • slug removal

Let’s go to me for some of your questions:

  • what to do in Photoshop versus Lightroom, what’s your workflow between the two? Basic editing in Lightroom first, more advanced, detailed editing in PS.
  • Tif files, what are they good for?
  • how to name your photo business and domain? I say use your name, carry business cards. Chelsea says use alliteration or rhyming to have a memorable name.

Let’s look at Abi’s portfolio! Lovely shots, just add some more info on your prints. She’s one of ours, Tony, you can’t have her.

Back into your photos:

Chelsea threatened to murder Tony when she’s sick up updating the books

  • so… Chelsea says this bird is poisonous and then goes into how she constantly explains to Tony the plot of Home Alone when he falls asleep during any show or movie. This is my favorite thing ever.
  • Chelsea shows you how to edit out logos for stock photography, lazily
  • “what is that liquid?” “the other one is clearly urine”
  • oof, portrait editing with dappled light

Back over to me for some questions:

  • shameless plug for my blog coming back! Follow me as I learn photography finally.
  • rumors about the upcoming 5D Mark IV? Nope!
  • upgrading wildlife gear? We dunno, tell us what you’ve got.
  • shooting portraits under heavy rain? Go inside. If not that, capture the movement of the rain and light it well, use waterproof makeup, style for the weather. Cover your camera, obvs. Use storytelling.
  • next week! Matt Granger will be on the show reviewing portraits. Also, you can catch T&C at Photokina next month!

Tony jumps in with an edit of our nation’s phallus.

  • “your feet are too big, bird!
  • “Tony, it’s us!”
  • lovely shot, odd colors

Let’s talk about tablets! Chelsea loves her Wacom, Tony hates editing on tablets, he’s a mouse man. “I can do anything with a mouse, I’m a mouse master.”

Let’s get another question and comment from our friend Kyle Wolfe before we head out:

  • could you average multiple photos to even out camera shake? No, but good idea!
  • use a specific link on your business card that shows you how many people access your site from the cards directly! Or a QR code. You can use a site like


That’s all, folks! Join us next week with Matt Granger to review your portraits! And look out for my blog on portraits this Thursday. 





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Live Show Recap: Fashion Photography

Happy Cinco de Mayo! It’s not a real holiday. America loves to steal culture as an excuse to get drunk during the week.

Anyway! We’re looking at your fashion photos this week, and some of you nailed it! Some of you tried to sneak in regular portraits, or really nice shots that weren’t fashion! I didn’t let lots of those in.


  • The “affordable” Leica M-D
  • We are borrowing the Canon 1DX II you’ll see our video on it soon
  • Phantom 4 quadcopter We’ll be testing it out in California in a few weeks.

Ok, we get into your fashion photos here, these are our notable submissions:

  • garbage bag dress
  • contrast (good for next week!)
  • monster street fashion
  • great studio shot (by our friend and blogger Anushila)
  • fashion/product of ties
  • go see Best in Show. And by go see it I mean rent it somewhere because it’s old.
  • great catalog shot
  • “It seems like one thumb through the belt loop is the most you can do in a photo” “Sometimes you have to push the limits. That’s fashion!”
  • click here to hear Chelsea’s incredible British accent
  • great photo story “I’m gonna give it a pick. But tell her she can do better.”
  • lean back, lean back, lean back lean back lean back
  • this one is just crazy awesome

Let’s go over to me for your questions:

  • How do you pose for fashion? Frame the object/garment or post naturally? Depends on the model and what you’re shooting.
  • When would you use exposure compensation? When a subject is backlit, to expose for the subject. You should be using automatic shutter speed otherwise.
  • Where’d you get your shirt, Tony? You look fresh.

Okay over to a portfolio review. Great portfolio, Vladimir! No real feedback.

Now to Chit-Chat!

  • we got complimented!
  • Chelsea is into Tony! Ewwww.
  • Nathan For You is conflicting

Okay, back to photos:

And that’s our show! Next week’s topic is “high contrast!” So make it work, people.

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Everything You Need to Prepare for a Fashion Shoot

Image od a woman with a long dress
Image od a woman with a long dress
Bloom by Sarah Bowman

Here are a list of resources from Tony, Chelsea and our bloggers to aid you in setting up and executing a successful fashion shoot.

Video Tutorials:

  • In this first video we cover a glamour shoot in-studio. Chelsea will take you through her lighting and gear, challenges you may have, makeup and styling, posing, and post-processing.

You can see some more of our post processing tutorials here for Lightroom, and a video on how to add makeup in Photoshop here.


  • In this next video we follow Tony and Chelsea on a fashion shoot on the beach. They’ll show you how they set up test shots, shooting to make a composite, working with a model, and post processing the image into what became the cover for our Photoshop book!



  • Start off with 10 Tips For Your First Fashion Shoot by Anushila Shaw. In it, she gives you ten easy to follow steps on setting up you first fashion shoot; from finding inspiration, hiring models and stylists, to marketing. A must-read for everyone!
  • Our friend and blogger Sarah Bowman has written multiple tutorials on shooting incredible portraits. You can read those here:
  1. How to Composite a Dress is the tutorial that Tony and Chelsea followed to create the image in the Glamour Photoshoot posted above

  2. 10 Tips to Improve Your Portraits gives you simple and critical tips on shooting great portraits; lighting, posing, depth-of-field, perspective and more!

  3. Self-Portraits: How a Selfie Can Improve Your Portraits Selfies are a great way to practice shooting portraits before bringing in a model. This post will teach you how to get comfortable in front of the camera to improve your work behind it.

Live Show:

  • Our previous live show on fashion photography will give you some great tips and show you previous work from our talented viewers! You can read my blog on that show here for highlights.


We hope all that information leaves you prepared for a great fashion shoot. We’ll be reviewing fashion photos on our live show this week, Can’t wait to see what you came up with!

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Live Show Recap: Light Painting

Hey there! This week we looked at your light painting photos and we got some good ones. And a bunch that were in tunnels.

Click this for joy. Then this to hear Chelsea sing.

Ok, we get into your photos here, these are our faves:

  • Porche. Porsh? Porsha. “Tony Northrup, who pronounces it “Porsh” like an animal”
  • weird HDR ghost town
  • “she’s like the queen of raves
  • Street Fighter
  • skull
  • don’t start a fire, don’t burn down boats
  • “you just said Greg is cooler?” “the cool judge”
  • abstract
  • Tron mask/light babe “when you find a woman like that, you keep her”
  • spooooky couch
  • grainery “You know what would have been great? If they’d light painted a chicken. No big deal, just a chicken.”


  • We tested the Sigma MC-11 adapter. It did not go well.
  • Nikon D500 is here! Might be the best camera of the year. Keep an eye out for our review.
  • Nikon 200-500
  • Canon T6. Meh. It’s a fine entry level. “Come on guys, you gotta keep up with my mom.”

Over to me with some viewer questions:

  • Why does the camera not like LED? We get that answered by a viewer later. Cheap LEDs blink on and off constantly, so it doesn’t give you consistent light.
  • What was the best food T&C had in Portugal? A sandwich with cheese on top soaked in gravy. Bacalhau. “You just offended all of Portugal”

Now let’s take a look at a viewer’s portfolio! Great images, great layout. Pare down your categories since you don’t have enough images to fill each. Less navigation the better.

Alright, let’s look at some more of your photos:

  • parallelogram” “That’s a trapezoid you noob”
  • “this is what you see when you die”
  • Space Invader! ‘Would you rather have a Pixelstick or a pixie stick the size of a Pixelstick?”
  • “She blinded me with science” “I think it’s an illusion. I’m giving it five stars because I’m confused and disoriented.”
  • LEDsaber
  • FIRE ROPE (please use extreme caution) “You won. You won light painting” “Sorry to everybody else who doesn’t have fire rope.”
  • “sparklers are definitely an outside firework”
  • illuminated rocks
  • real estate

Ok, back to me for some questions:

  • Sony overheating issues? The a6300 overheated for us and wrecked a shoot. A7s has been fine though.

Let’s do some Chit-Chat! Our friend Elias-Emir Mahmood made this cool pop-art logo for us.

  • Tony showed up in a weird futuristic training manual. “Generic business guy”
  • Tony acted.
  • Andre Agassi wore a wig. But before that he had some serious neck beard.
  • Justin explains fire rope. ‘Ok, I sense a tutorial coming up and it’s going to be awesome and probably lethal.”

Ok, let’s blow through some more pictures before we end the show:

And back over to me for a few last questions, my house is very loud:

  • Does music inspire you? “Heck yeah!” “Eh.”
  • What is the connection between programmers and bird photographers? “Just nerds.” Patience, technical stuff. “I don’t believe in that brain stuff.”
  • What’s your experience with vintage lenses, are they viable for videography? None. But if it fits the mood of your video, try it!

And that’s a show! Next week we’ll be looking at fashion photos. Keep an eye out on our blog for some tips!




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Live Show Recap: Portraits that Break a Rule

Hey fam! This week we look at your portraits that break a rule intentionally. And… some of you got it. We’ll be off next week, but the week after that, April 28th, we’ll be doing light painting.

Tony is drinking something that makes him misspeak a lot this show, so that’s fun! #teats

The Buying Guide has been updated! Stop asking me your dumb gear questions and get this book instead.


Let’s look at your portraits:

  • awesomely dark
  • contemplative
  • “I can’t see her hand, but I assume she has a little knife”

a rule-breaking tip: nail every aspect but the one intentionally broken rule

My sound got broken, as per usual, so I’ll show up later in the show.

Let’s look at a portfolio! Really good portraits, the layout works well with your work. Add a pricing and contact page! You could definitely get work.

Chelsea pulls up some questions submitted on Twitter (#TCLive):

  • if you could only shoot one genre of photography, what would it be? T&C both say travel, with the stipulation that they get to travel constantly.
  • some tennis channel uses our hashtag, let’s take um down

Back to your photo submissions:

I’m back! Hurray! Questions for you:

  • head crop? Yay or nay? Depends on your client. Shoot wider and crop later if you want to.
  • any rules of photography that should never be broken? No, but do it intentionally.

Let’s see another portfolio and help this guy change his name. No, j/k, don’t change your name, just a name for your business. Great images, just work on a catchy name.


  • plugs plugs plugs
  • camera noises
  • “Burns Oregon Militia vs. FBI” his name and fedora tell you everything you need to know
  • “a bathroom action”
  • Nasa photos are real. How do flat-earthers keep finding us and why?

Let’s look at some more photos; speed round:

Back to me for some final comments/questions:

  • have you ever broken the law for a photo shoot? “Oh yeah, yeah.”
  • Justin, what’s your favorite camera for video? GH4 generally or Sony a7R II, even though it’s not fun to use.

And that’s our show! Short and sweet. We’ll be off next week since T&C are travelling, in two weeks we’ll look at your light painting photos. Thanks!


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Live Show Recap: Complementary Colors

Hello! You guys nailed complementary colors this week. Next week break some rules with your portraits. Should be fun! Don’t break any laws.

Guys, so sorry about the sound. The split screen mutes for a while. Every week we seem to have to adjust something and then it all goes crazy. Don’t worry, you’ll get to hear my voice later in the show.

Some PhotoNews at the top here:

  • Lumix GX85 announced
  • contact lens camera? This is terrifying. Give us virtual reality cake.
  • Tom from Myspace… err, Mark Zuckerberg, gave an interview that Tony agrees with about video

Ok, let’s look at your pictures and I’ll highlight our favorites below:

Over to me with your question, which I’ll have to write out for you below since you can’t hear me:

  • Tony mentioned in a video last year that he’d look into how DxOMark makes their money, did he ever? He tried! They never answered. Manufacturers pay them, but we’re not sure how that works.

Oh, we got a new weird piece of gear for blinding Chelsea. Pergear LED light used for matching studio light.

Back to your photos:

  • a pick right off the bat for this laundry
  • this texture pairing
  • “it’s frustrating for humans to not see eyes” Tony confirms that he is indeed not human
  • something about the colors in this one bother me, but Tony gives it a pick. Interesting shot though!
  • stock
  • beebutt
  • boats
  • Tony doesn’t know what Mickey Mouse looks like. For sure not human.
  • Mickey Mouse then Deadmau5?
  • ladybug
  • landscape

Back over to me for some of your questions, you get to watch me talk without hearing me say anything:

  • is it safe to clean your Sony sensor? Yes? idk, just do it.
  • any word on the travel show? Yes, we’re still planning and working on the contract.
  • is the D5 worth your money? Who’s? Yours? Mine? What’s your deal? Worth it if you’re a pro who needs to nail that shot.
  • are HDR and doge & burn the same thing? No. Different techniques for slightly different results.

Check out our podcast! Seriously, it’s great.

Hassleblad H6D announced

Let’s look at Nick Petrides’ portfolio.  Lose the format, staggered is distracting. Your images are great though! It’s not really your birthday. Tony proves again that he is probably an android by his rendition of Happy Birthday.

A few more questions from you, our viewers:

  • but first let’s listen to Chelsea imitate her dad
  • compare the D810 to the D5? D810 is better for portraits, the D5 is heavy. D5 is best for low light and is unbeatable for sports and durability. The D810 is better for landscapes, portraits and studio work.
  • Aaron is alive as well, as of the show last night
  • Virtual Reality headsets? Yup, they used the Samsung VR. Give us virtual chocolate cake already.
  • what’s your/my favorite hair color? I don’t care, don’t tell me.

Ok, back to photos! Tony chose his favorites from the thumbnails. Just consider them all picks. The sound is garbage during this part, so just look at all the pretty colors.

Back to me because Chelsea misses my face:

  • what TV shows are you currently watching? We seriously end up talking about TV for so long. We love it, it’s great.
  • best TV show of all time?

Ok guys, sorry about that (or you’re welcome.) Back to photos!

  • chairs
  • pier
  • birds
  • ‘nother bird
  • red roof “I’m going to give you a pick because you’re artsy, and big parties scare you”

More questions from you:

  • USB OTG on Samsung S7? No idea. You tell us.
  • then they talk about emojis and stuff? idk, guys.
  • What’s the strangest photography-related dream you’ve had? Tony has photography stress dreams, Chelsea does not. I dream about my former life as a house cleaner. Chelsea has B&E dreams.
  • Tony, what’s your monitor resolution and when are you going 5k? Less than 4k and never?

Let’s look at Narked Frog Photo’s portfolio. What is that name even? Pare down your images, too many of the same thing/same person. Change your text color and maybe your background color. for tips.

Chit-Chat! Our favorite part of the show where you say stuff and we say stuff back. This week is weirdly positive.

picture speed round  before we end this thing:

  • “pull over, I’m gonna start a fire

Okay and then one more question:

  • Eric didn’t bring me pizza
  • Super-RAWs? Yes please.
  • send us cupcakes, priceemir lion

Don’t worry, Chelsea did more ASMR for you.

And that’s a show! Next week are portraits that break the rules. Thanks for hanging in there, y’all.


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Live Show Recap: Smartphone Photos

Oops, accidental cold intro! Ignore that!

This week we looked at your smartphone photos, and they are great! Gear snobs, take a week off.

Next week we’ll be looking at your photos of complementary colors, keep a look out on our blog here for a post about color theory coming up!

This cardinal looks like a hipster if you squint.

Subscribe to our channel! We’re almost at 500,000.

Let’s start with some photo news, new lenses announced by Sony:

Tony and Chelsea are on to you, Sony! Your claims are silly.

So far, the D5 is not great at video. We still need to test it out for stills though, of course.

Okay, let’s look at your photos:

Over to me for one of your questions:

  • what smartphone do you use and what apps do you use on it for photography? Chelsea has an iPhone 6s and uses Snapseed, Instagram, and PicCollage. Tony has a Samsung S7 Edge which has a great camera. Tony’s given Lightroom mobile a second chance and it works much better than before.

Back to photos!

Back over to me, since Justin hung up on me before:

  • how to sell prints and make money on your work? You don’t! You really have to build a name for yourself before your work sells. Even then you won’t get much.
  • show themes? Suggest some!

Over to a portfolio, Adrian Larios Photography. That dog pic! Move your best photos to the start of the slideshow, get rid of some of the candids. Lead with commercial work.

The talk about portfolios for a few minutes. Then about our friend Erkki‘s love of pain as evidenced by his using WordPress.

Google Nik is free!

Contact me if you want to write for our blog!

Back to your photos, we have a ton so we go through them quick:

Back over to me for your question:

  • 3 year business plan? Photoshop book, travel show on TV. That’s about it!

Now for a favorite old segment, Stop It! where we look at your embarrassing photos. to submit your own! Chelsea likes them all. Just watch the whole thing, it’s a delight. Bear penis, robo-selfie, romantic night alone? This beautiful fairy is my personal fave. We’d be friends with this kid. “I feel like you were on peyote for a minute there.”

Ok, let’s look at our young friend Maya’s portfolio! A very talented lady. Not too many images, a print store, all in all a great port! Also, she’s funny.

Chit-Chat! You say mean things, we read them and pick on you.

  • no, we don’t have time to edit your photos for you. Or camera shop for you, or watch your dog.
  • freaking Sony weirdos
  • Tony Northrup is a porn name? Hardly.

Back to me for some great questions:

  • if you could be a sentient camera what would you be and who would you have use you? Tony would be a workhorse with a scratched lens and Chelsea would be spastic.
  • if you had an unlimited budget, what camera and lens combo would you get? “I’m not that turned on by giant files”
  • weatherproof tripods? No idea. Wellies?
  • informal event shooting? Be stealthy, shoot candid.

Okay, back to your photos. So many:

That corgi yawn was stolen from the internet. Chelsea’s joke was stolen from dads everywhere.

Back over to me for your last few questions:

  • our new segment: dinosaur chat
  • advice for introverts taking pictures? Practice! Push yourself and your comfort zone. Drink a beer. Maybe get medicated? Hide.
  • lenses for smartphones? We don’t have much experience with them but they seem fun.

And one last message from our friend Cas, she has found support from our lovely online community while working through her husbands cancer diagnosis. Much love to you and yours, Cas!

That’s our show! It’s been a great one. The beginning of the show was an April fool’s joke that no one caught. Tune in next week for complementary colors!




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Live Show Recap: Travel with Matt Granger

Guys! This week I’m watching the show for the first time right now with you. I was driving while the show was happening, so I wasn’t there live. Thanks to Chris Reddy for filling in!

Matt Granger skyped in this week to help review your travel photos and be generally hilarious as usual. Teaching us all that if you have a guest you fill the cupboard with crackers, in case Vegemite appears.

Next week is smartphone photos! That’ll be fun. I take those. Lots of my dog. How do you feel about shooting with a smartphone?

We look at some of Matt’s photos at the beginning here, you can see them at Matt talks about studio workshops and photo tours, things that Tony and Chelsea hate doing as introverts.

Ok, let’s get into your photos and see the favorites:

Some tips gleaned from the reviews:

  • make sure you have a focal point that your eye rests on
  • make sure the image conveys either the movement or feeling of travel, or is an image that readily conveys where you are
  • for tips on contrast

Over to Chris with your questions:

  • monkey selfie copyright? Monkeys are taking our jobs.
  • Sony pro-support? Pretty much a scam.
  • 5D Mark II or 70D? Depends on what you shoot and what you need it for.

Now let’s look at a portfolio and give some suggestions. Make the photos click through to your gallery since you only have one category. Great images though!

Instagram=$$$, the Kyle Wolfe story. Kyle got work through Instagram! Someone bought his image. He’ll be writing a blog post about it for us, so look out for it.


Back to Chris for your viewer questions:

  • what do you do with throw-away images? Store them on drives.
  • multiple catalogs in Lightroom? Yes for Chelsea, no for Tony. Matt is transitioning from a Tony to a Chelsea.

Here’s Matt’s taxi pic. Put a towel down. He’s gotten busted in Australia, but not anywhere else!

Back to photo reviews:

Back to Chris for questions and some great tips from T&C&M:

  • Google Nik software is out for free!
  • how to get models when you’re inexperienced? Have something to trade or pay an experienced model.
  • save money on gear, go travel instead

Let’s look at some more photos, speed round:

  • here’s an adorable seal
  • birds
  • there’s some great ones in the speed round, just watch um all
  • “do you have deer in Australia, Matt, or have the giant spiders eaten them all?”
  • cloud city
  • cute town
  • some sort of duck inception
  • hazy beach

And here’s a barbershop quintet sing-along. It fell apart quickly.

Here’s another question. Thanks so much for filling in, Chris!

  • what are our future channel goals? Matt’s are for more episodic videos. He wants to focus on having enough, then going and working outward instead of for himself. Chelsea wants to be proud of what she does instead of following the business. Working on a travel show. Tony wants to teach photography to people who wouldn’t consider themselves photographers. Spread the photo joy!

Kum ba yah happened.

That’s our show! It was a great one. Next week tune in for smartphone photos.