Holy hell you guys, this episode was bonkers. Jet-lagged Chelsea and weirdly tan Tony are on point. We had a record number of live viewers which led to a horrific live chat and so many photo submissions we crashed the site. All in all it was a blast.
Chelsea knows world politics, and the president of Kazakhstan is Subaru.
We start the show off with Chit-Chat, our favorite segment where we highlight the best and worst comments we get on our YouTube channel throughout the week.
- Tony is chill af
- Chelsea has nice front hair
- no news here. Oh, except the 5D Mark IV, the worst kept secret in photography.
T&C talk about the 5D Mark IV and what cameras they brought to Ireland. “I really hope I don’t have a calendar when I’m dead.”
Ok, we get into your pictures here:
- “what is that? Is that the little animal from the original Battlestar Galactica?” “Is that a baby holding a monkey?”
- “uh oh, do you see why there’s only one set of tracks? It’s cause Jesus carried him.”
- lovely reflection
- rowers “they’re actually trying to row away from each other. But they’re not bright!”
- duuuucks on the water. Fire in the sky.
- edge of the earth
- crepuscular rays
- “let’s go on, this is crap“
- barbed wire
- purples
- “simple, nice, makes me want to go golfing“
- explain these horse heads to me
Over to me for your questions!
- where in Ireland were you? Dead guy in a gutter with a Guinness can in his hand. “Welcome to Ireland!””Home of the dead guy.”
- tips or tricks to make a good image with bad light? Focus on composition, processing, HDR.
- how often do you visit a location before you get your shot? Depends!
Ok, let’s look at a portfolio. Fix your layout! Pare down some images.
Now another one! More tiny dog, less everything else. Less sub-menus, pare it down to professional menus. “Get rid of that guest book because it’s not 1998 anymore.”
Back over to me because Chelsea loves to hear my voice. Oh, and your questions.
- how do you wind down? Cry, eat too much. Make a list to make things more manageable, make a schedule or routine. Take a bike ride, play video games, gym, sports.
- how to fix a dark sky when you have a complicated horizon? Graduated filter! But if not that, what? Nope, just that. The more natural the better.
- how to shoot in a dark space indoors? Use a fast prime lens and a camera that does well with high ISO. Flash could be horrible in a dark space like that.
Back to photos:
- great one right off the bat
- this needs something, but it’s lovely
- another great reflection
- odd symmetry
- Kyle Wolfe! “Kyle, get llamas”
- tropical lightning
- mittens
Over to me for some more questions:
- call me the troll killer. “Don’t give the trolls movie recommendations!”
- best for depth of field? Small aperture or hyperfocal? sdp.io/fstop for more info.
- 12 v 14 bit raw files? No one cares.
- what do you listen to when you edit? Chelsea: Podcasts, Kendrick Lamar, classical. Tony: Marina and the Diamonds, Tov Lo. Judge John Hodgman for both.
- words for bangs? So many penis words.
A few more photos before we head out (sorry for the keyboard banging, I forgot to mute myself):
- “he set it aside just to say ‘cool moon, bruh.'”
- cloud filled mountain
- saturation
- stunning shot
- in the clouds
- lol sheep
- lovely pano
- “oooh mannn, check out the cow on this”
Aaaand here is where the show falls apart in the best way. “How do you stay married to me, I look ridiculous.” “I love you so much, you’re so brown.”
“I can’t stop laughing. You look like a sausage.”
And there we have it, folks. Next week we’ll be reviewing your “Adventure” photos! So go out and shoot something fun. If you didn’t know, I’ve been blogging each week as I learn photography, and trying to shoot for each live show subject. So learn along with me!