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Live Show Recap: Portraits that Break a Rule

Hey fam! This week we look at your portraits that break a rule intentionally. And… some of you got it. We’ll be off next week, but the week after that, April 28th, we’ll be doing light painting.

Tony is drinking something that makes him misspeak a lot this show, so that’s fun! #teats

The Buying Guide has been updated! Stop asking me your dumb gear questions and get this book instead.


Let’s look at your portraits:

  • awesomely dark
  • contemplative
  • “I can’t see her hand, but I assume she has a little knife”

a rule-breaking tip: nail every aspect but the one intentionally broken rule

My sound got broken, as per usual, so I’ll show up later in the show.

Let’s look at a portfolio! Really good portraits, the layout works well with your work. Add a pricing and contact page! You could definitely get work.

Chelsea pulls up some questions submitted on Twitter (#TCLive):

  • if you could only shoot one genre of photography, what would it be? T&C both say travel, with the stipulation that they get to travel constantly.
  • some tennis channel uses our hashtag, let’s take um down

Back to your photo submissions:

I’m back! Hurray! Questions for you:

  • head crop? Yay or nay? Depends on your client. Shoot wider and crop later if you want to.
  • any rules of photography that should never be broken? No, but do it intentionally.

Let’s see another portfolio and help this guy change his name. No, j/k, don’t change your name, just a name for your business. Great images, just work on a catchy name.


  • plugs plugs plugs
  • camera noises
  • “Burns Oregon Militia vs. FBI” his name and fedora tell you everything you need to know
  • “a bathroom action”
  • Nasa photos are real. How do flat-earthers keep finding us and why?

Let’s look at some more photos; speed round:

Back to me for some final comments/questions:

  • have you ever broken the law for a photo shoot? “Oh yeah, yeah.”
  • Justin, what’s your favorite camera for video? GH4 generally or Sony a7R II, even though it’s not fun to use.

And that’s our show! Short and sweet. We’ll be off next week since T&C are travelling, in two weeks we’ll look at your light painting photos. Thanks!