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Live Show Recap: Macro

Happy St. Paddy’s day or whatever. “We just take everyone’s unwanted holidays and make them CRAZY.” Tony is dyeing everyones drinks green.

If you’re new to the show, here’s what happens: you submit one photo on the theme, we maybe review it. You can also submit Squarespace portfolios for review! You can ask Tony and Chelsea questions in the live chat during the show, and I ask ones that I find interesting to them via Skype. There are lots of jokes, lots of tangents, lots of confusion. In this recap here I highlight their favorite submissions, my favorite jokes, photo news and anything else worth remembering.

This week we reviewed your macro shots! Lots of bees. Chelsea is really pushing this ASMR thing. Someone made us Bingo sheets for the show! You can still find the forms at if you’d like to play along. I’m Chelsea’s best friend and now it’s show official! Also I have no soul. Justin is just a black screen.

Hashtag your live show photos at #TCLive on Instagram or Twitter and you’ll get “lots of free followers for free.”

Our new Photoshop book is coming along, 199 pages so far! If you have it already you can get the updates at or pre-order it at

Next week Matt Granger will Skype in and review your Travel pics! What a show, two-for-one insanity.

Ok, let’s get into your pictures. Here are our faves:

Now over to me for some of your questions:

  • how to eliminate stitches in focus stacking? Bring layers into Photoshop.
  • Peak Design messenger bag? Best bag for what it does, still not great.

Now for a portfolio review. Great images, great layout. Lots of information, very well done!

I got my sound back, so over to me for more questions:

  • extension tubes with kit lenses? It’ll work, but sharpness won’t be great.
  • modern lens flatness compared to older lenses? We should do a blind test.

Back to your photos!

  • the US has the worst looking money
  • macro tips: use a tripod, ISO 100, mirror lock-up, live view, and BE STILL to nail that focus.
  • fuzzy moth face. “Antlers.”
  • dewy grasshopper
  • Tony keeps calling insects “animals”
  • “this is like a bee on its wedding day”

Back to me with your questions:

  • Matt Granger gets Chelsea to sing. Tony has green teeth.

Chit-Chat! Chelsea’s favorite segment where people say mean things and we laugh at them.

  •, Check um out.
  • Does Tony have scurvy? Eat an orange, Tony.
  • “Nope, I’m just annoying erryday erryday erryday erryday…”
  • Tony def has glued-on hair “hella spooky lol”
  • Everyone speculates that Tony and Chelsea are going to break up based on Chelsea’s facial expressions.
  • “maybe we are breaking up” “we can’t break up right now. What would Justin do?”

Ok, over to another portfolio. Make those links clickable! Pare down your photos, a few too many. Merge your categories. Your event shots are great! Price those bad boys. Make your front page reflect the work you’re trying to get.

Tony throws me under the bus for bingo!

  • hanging out with Matt Granger at Photokina!
  • medium format? Why, why not? Digital medium format is prohibitively expensive. Go full-frame instead.
  • duel memory cards for wedding photography? Yes.

Back to photos:

  • this butterfly is crazy detailed
  • elephant hawk moth?!
  • party owls
  • ‘nother bee
  • Chelsea knows her Sacajawea coins
  • flies are fascinating

Chelsea misses me, so here I am:

  • we all wear wigs
  • photographer’s writer’s block? Make a project, study old photographers, photograph the same thing at different times.
  • how to become a product photographer? Just do it. Practice, work for free, make a portfolio. Make contacts, build your portfolio. Long motivational speech to follow. Become a blacksmith.

Let’s take a look at a ballpoint pen. I mean, more photos, rapid fire:

  • flower
  • what’s a dragonfly’s lifespan? We stumped Justin! Chelsea gets philosophical, Tony gets nihilistic.
  • Tony insults all the nerds

Over to me:

  • what photo would you like to be remembered for? Definitely the erectile dysfunction one.
  • questions are boring.

And we’re done! Tune in next Thursday for Matt Granger and travel photos. Sorry we forgot to remind you all about daylight savings time, why is that still a thing.












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Live Show Recap: Star Trails

Hey ya’all! We review your star trails this week, and there aren’t many! Also,

The PS book is coming along! You can still pre-order it at


Photo reviews:

Questions from my voice:

  • catch many butt
  • composite star trails? “I think it’s a lie and those people should be punished.”
  • bayou birds

Back to photos:

Back to me:

  • best lens for star trails? Wide and fast.
  • clouds are weak
  • “can you put a camera on a timer on a turntable?” No.

Portfolio time! Put your wildlife first, mix up your sports photos, add a pricing and contact page.

“Who out there has ASMR?”

Chit-Chat! “It’s the part of the show where we… don’t understand why we do it?”

  • Etsy
  • Cowboy
  • “You have qualified for 1st place ‘not knowing'”

Back to me for questions and absolutely no feelings:

  • star trails at 10 degrees in latitude?
  • ASMR: not a sex thing
  • #TCLive on Twitter and Instagram

Another great portfolio. Numinous def: having a strong religious or spiritual quality; indicating or suggesting the presence of a divinity. Great variety, pare it down a bit.

Back to photos!

Back to me for questions!

  • pancakes or bacon? Def pancakes.
  • Pier 1 for clearance glasses
  • chilled glass, ice, thick straw
  • is Tony a high-end model? “You would disappoint many a woman.”
  • airplane blinks in star trails
  • Chelsea was real quick to sing The Rose
  • karaoke with Matt Granger
  • studio camera stuff

A few more pictures before we go:

  • Chelsea spreading rumors about Ansel Adams cheating
  • star trails and northern lights?
  • “is this the same person or does everybody just live near a castle?”


  • live comp? No.
  • Nikon D750 for weddings?
  • NX1 to a6300?

The stream died, then came back, and we’re still talking.

And that’s our show! Next week is “Macro.” Byyyyye!




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Live Show Recap: Reflections

Here we go again! We looked at your reflection photos this week and they were great! So many submissions.

ATTN: NO SHOW NEXT WEEK we’re sorry, but T&C will be away. The week after will be star trails.


  • Sigma 50-100 f/1.8
  • no longer oompa-loompas
  • Sigma 30mm f/1.4
  • two new mirrorless cameras! Sigma sd Quattro and sd Quattro H
  • Tamron prime lenses: 85mm f/1.8 VC and 90mm f/2.8 VC
  • LR mobile v2 for Android
  • new Nikon series of fixed lens mirrorless

Ok, picture time! Here’s our picks, 5 stars, and quotable bits:

Over to me for some of your questions:

  • Tesla!
  • monitor calibration

Portfolio review! So many people underwater. This man may be a fish. “He pulled an Ariel and he wished for legs, and now he has them.” Great job!

Chelsea is wearing yoga pants and running shoes under her desk. “This is my life!”

More pictures!

  • right off the bat, this one is a winner
  • leaves
  • boats
  • star trails!
  • “this is when they’re on this mortal coil, this is when they’re dead” “wow”
  • four stars!
  • Norway
  • stars

Over to me, I was born ready:

  • Chelsea’s wardrobe mullet

T&C asked Nikon for a D5 to borrow “and they were like, how bout f-you?” so they have a J5. “It’s similar, it has one of the same numbers.”

  • where to visit in the eastern US?
  • more call-in shows? Chelsea chat show?
  • beauty dishes (look at our studio gear reviews!)
  • pancakes? crepes? waffles? We should just have a food show. I can talk to you about pancakes all day.
  • nutella


  • ISO video response to Techquickie? No thank you.
  • “stop ruining things with science.” No thank you.
  • Christopher O’Grady is Chelsea’s new best friend. I have some competition.
  • Smile during Nikon and frown during Canon? Conspiracy!

Another portfolio review! How do you pronounce an umlaut? Good layout, good pictures. Pare down a few as always, combine categories, but otherwise well done. “He’s wearing a mask right?” “Yeah, I don’t think that’s his head.”

Check out Tony’s bad Instagram vs Tony’s portfolio.

Back to photos, moving quickly:

Annnnd back to me for some more questions:

  • what was your first picture that sold? “you are going to disappoint a lady”
  • vacation photos
  • best program for star trials? starstax!
  • don’t screenshot Chelsea’s dumb face
  • waffle delivery
  • 500px shows you boobs

That’s our show! No show next week, but join us March 10th for star trails.





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Live Show Recap: Weather

Hey folks! Last night’s show was pretty prettttty glitchy, hopefully you are rewatching it with me now. We had fun though! You had some good weather pictures. Let’s jump in!


Teegar has written some great blogs for us here, go check um out.

Go get our Photoshop book here and listen to our new podcast!

Ok, into the pictures:

  • “I don’t know weather or not they should be sailing in that” “…………” “are we still married?”
  • hazy mountain
  • “what? I love these people. They do not want to live.”
  • crazy lightning
  • wind
  • “snow’s white. Big revelations from Tony today.”
  • snow
  • rain
  • storm‘s a brewin’
  • double rainbow
  • make this a print!
  • daaaamn panorama
  • “I think that might actually be Superman’s mitten. His paws are going to get cold without it” “Superman has paws? I don’t know much about superheroes but that sounds wrong”
  • white out
  • another rainbow

Over to me for your questions:

  • Chelsea got hurt playing soccer
  • Sharknado “because again, idiot”
  • Chelsea call-in show?
  • what picture were you scared that you’d miss?


  • Canon 80D looks like a penis emoji and sounds like ADD
  • PZ-E1? Why.
  • Pentax K-1 announced
  • real estate photography, watch this to see Dom’s butt
  • Panasonic GF8

Now we look at Teegar’s portfolio! Incredible.

Now another portfolio. Combine categories until you build up your body of work.

Back to photo reviews:

  • Airplane!
  • drama
  • “what are those? Buffalo?” “those are labradoodles” “you are not good at identifying labradoodles”
  • “Let’s CSI this” “enhance!”
  • vapor
  • Shiro!
  • hazy water

Back to me for your questions:

  • weather sealing? Nah.
  • The Shard, not shart. How to shoot through glass to minimize reflections?
  • spring or summer travel plans? hahahah watch Chelsea answer while spinning in a circle

Chit-Chat! Only one this week 🙁

  • who’s against cropping?

Aaaaand back to photos, speed round:

  • nailed it
  • lonely
  • “holy dammit”
  • “holy mackeral” “that is some Lisa a Frank shit”
  • “how does this even happen? I’ll tell you: aliens
  • “this man is longing for a love he lost long ago”
  • “is that who controls the weather?”
  • woah woah woah
  • these things will rip off your face-” “oh that is really sweet”
  • ice cardinal
  • “is this Thomas Kinkade?”
  • tv talk
  • dags!
  • 5 stars for the Canadian
  • “no regrats!”
  • “who are these people? Fakes! Frauds!”
  • (I’ve given up tagging the pics. It’s moving so fast)
  • spoOooOky
  • CleoBond!
  • superspeedround
  • Kyle Wolfe! We’re still trying to adopt you.
  • bighorn
  • “is this like, horse skiing? Is that a thing?”
  • “that might be the dirtiest sensor I’ve ever seen”
  • we like dogs
  • “that’s cool” “yeah, if there wasn’t an ice spider waiting to kill them”
  • “more fake people”

Wow guys, that was a lot to get through. Well done though.

“Siobhan, tell-ask us questions

  • secret pancakes
  • is micro 4/3 dead? Nah.
  • hobbies? Chelsea has a million, Tony plays games, Justin makes music, I play Candy Crush.
  • what’s most important? Composition, content or sharpness?
  • what does Tony miss from Texas? Tex-mex.
  • “genuine leather, made by a man”
  • white balance? Do it in post. “embrace it, move on, eat cake, pancake”

That’s a show! Next week we’ll be reviewing  your reflection photos. Take some this week!


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Live Show Recap: Backlighting

Hello again! Last nights show was great, we got a lot of really good submissions for backlighting.

Chelsea has a banana peel on her mic. Before the show, Tony kept calling it a “wrapper.” This is the kind of behind-the-scenes exclusives you can get from me. You’re welcome.

Hey! Want to show T&C around where you live? You can! They are filming a travel show, and need submissions from you (only if you live in the US for this first one.) Go to to send us a video submission on where you live and what there is to see and do.


  • Chelsea on a billboard in Beirut!
  • spoiler for Inglourious Basterds

Ok! Off to the races. Lots of picks this week:

  • mopey dog
  • weather
  • bridge
  • poppies
  • is that a ladybug?
  • insane underwater shot
  • so many picks! Come on, Tony.
  • portrait in a field
  • next week’s topic is weather, and so many of you send in weather shots this week! “from now on, that’s what we’ll do. You send the pictures in and I’ll guess what the theme is”

Portfolio time! Nice images, get rid of your staggered layout and narrow down your similar shots. Title your categories appropriately if you are looking to sell your work.

“Hold on, I’m trying to stalk him!”

“I see some spot color. I’m not for that but you have good pictures.”

Over to me with your questions:

Back to your photos:

  • one of the best we’ve ever gotten!
  • “a mood injection, coming right up”
  • new plan to eliminate double chin in pictures: “You should put some black paint under there!”
  • great mood
  • smoke bombs!
  • welp. That’s a horse dick.
  • #surprisepenis
  • “there are so many spider webs in this shot! This person needs a blowtorch and a good pair of running shoes”
  • “who has two thumbs and loves backlighting? This guy.”
  • Key West
  • Tony has had run-ins with peacocks
  • “Justin just had to handle Chelsea’s banana”
  • “there’s always money in the banana stand!”

Chit-Chat! The part of they show where we read your usually critical comments and either refute them or make fun of you.

  • conspiracy theories
  • “remember that week that I really wanted aliens to be visitors of earth?”
  • confirmation bias is a bitch
  • “I guess you could say it would be… off the chain?”
  • Tony and Chelsea in a Viagra ad. Always. It’s Chelsea’s fault, and it backfired.
  • “I went all 1997 Maury Povich guest, gettin’ real”
  • we lost 4 subscribers. Bye Felicia!
  • “we are not weathermen”
  • hollaback, John Mayfield!
  • “someone called me a big-faced bitch and that really made me laugh”

Ok, another portfolio review.  Great show shots! Pare ‘um down though. Awesome portraits as well! Dang, Gretchen. Well done.

On to me for more questions, and Hungry eating.

  • upgrading your DSLR
  • I didn’t solve my zit problem. I needed to move my camera, not my mic. Duh, me.
  • lens type for studio shoots?
  • are mirror lenses a novelty? Yes.
  • lenses for filming
  • “people called you orange, and I told them about your history as an Oompa Loompa.”

More photos. Speed round!

  • deer pick
  • “your sensor is… filthy”
  • lovely
  • “woah, it looks like she pooped the sun!”
  • sexual healing
  • “one time I got a chocolate orange muffin from there. It will change your life.” “compelling story that everyone can relate to”
  • “just a constant barrage of pigeons”
  • “you’re definitely making that picture worse”
  • album cover (my favorite of the night)
  • “come at me, bro! That’s what this bird seems to be saying”
  • “that might be Jesus
  • “Voss: water for people who hate money”
  • Pan?
  • blue mood
  • first portrait?!
  • grain


  • Sony G lenses “sound like they’re starting a rap career”
  • tips for shooting a solar eclipse? Camera obscura. Don’t listen to Tony, he’ll hurt your eyes.
  • your gear questions bore me! Look um up here.
  • prime lenses only? Sure.
  • “people love extreme opinions”

And that’s a wrap! Next week we’ll look at “weather.”

You can find all of my previous show recaps here:

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Live Show Recap: Tree

WARNING: Chelsea is a human and she gets mad when people say lies about her. If you are offended by an angry woman, do not watch. Also, get over it.

This week we review your tree photos! Apparently you have a lot of them.

If you haven’t already, check out our new podcast! There are two out already and we’ll be releasing two a month.

We start the show with some of Tony and Chelsea’s pictures from their trip to Cuba this week.

Let’s see some trees:

  • “the tree won
  • “that’s beautiful. The colors, the things, the light…”
  • “that is a tree if I ever saw one”
  • Tasmanian sunrise
  • this is my fave
  • “real trees have curves, guys”
  •  cave tree


Now to me for your questions:

  • would you like to see a tutorial from T&C on film photography?
  • Sony battery grips? No.
  • is it supposed to take hours to stitch together a panorama? Yes.

Now to a portfolio! Great photos, John. Pare down your landscapes, start with your best.

Chit-Chat! “Either way, everyone walks away disappointed”

  • 1D X-2?
  • are we DxOmark shills? No. What? Why? No.
  • do we copy DigitalRev? No, again, what?
  • “nice try, but I’m not taking any shit today. NEXT.”
  • here we go… Angry Photographer. He has attacked every popular YouTube photographer at length, then deletes his videos when he gets called out. He has accused us of being secretly sponsored, calls us shills, etc etc. So now he’s on blast.
  • “the 5 worst photographers” do in fact exist. Unfortunately.
  • apparently we have giant refrigerators?
  • podcast music: distracting or engaging?

Back to me for some questions and comments, which rile up Chelsea further:

Back to your photos!

And that’s our show! Next week we will be reviewing your “back lighting” photos, so get ‘um done!



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Live Show Recap: Shoes

Guys, this is a rowdy one. Chelsea was on point last night! We’re looking at your shoes.

What do you think of the mics? I prefer them to the lav mics.

“Shoes. What are they? Where do they come from?” “That is not what we’re talking about today.”

Chelsea is trying to ferret out you fetishists.

Next week is “tree.” Singular? Who knows. “They tend to hang out in groups.”

Do you want to write for our blog? Please? Learn how to spell my name, then send me your pitches to


Ok, let’s see your shoes:

  • a pick right off the bat for this horseshoe
  • no matter how you cut it, crampon is a funny word
  • Tony tells a story about how to attempt to steal mismatched shoe sizes. Christina Perez, you’re on notice.
  • “like some kind of slutty clown
  • no one else mentioned this woman’s yellow Hitler mustache
  • “the only reason you put something on a post is if you’re about to shoot it”
  • “punk club”
  • “that sounds funny” “nope, it wasn’t funny”
  • one still shoe
  • good lighting
  • “everyone’s just going cool places with their shoes”
  • good one, Andy Shields!

Let’s ask your questions:

  • Tony: android or iOS?
  • send Tony some size 10.5 shoes
  • speedlights with wireless receivers? Yes.
  • Rode Broadcaster mics (sponsor us!)
  • ooooh no she didn’t

Portfolio review! Great work, pare down your photos, pare down your categories.

And back to me for some questions:

  • how to make still life photos more interesting
  • inadvertent Camera Raw smack talk!
  • mad Chelsea is the best Chelsea

Back to shoes:

  • “what? Invisible Dad? A movie circa 1980-something?”
  • lovely traditional Pakistani shoes
  • the rapture
  • “oh gosh, I’m gonna get an email”
  • “those shoes are about to whittle a duck for their grandchild”

Chit-Chat “this is the part of the show where we don’t… even care anymore”

  • podcast!
  • flat earthers. Ugh. Here’s a ten minute rant about why the earth isn’t flat. Seriously guys? Why is this even happening?
  • “so what you’re saying is I can’t trust clouds?”
  • crop factor. I hate you. Thanks for backing us up, filmmaker IQ.
  • “wreck’d!”
  • “good video! your hair looks fake! haha!”
  • People are real into Tony’s gray hair
  • “overall … nice boobs !!!”
  • “yes, I’m anatomically a woman, leave me alone”
  • “what about the Lightroom video convinced you of my heterosexuality?”
  • “Squarespace. They pay me to talk about what makes Tony look gay”

Now to another portfolio. Change up your format, separate your blog from your portfolio. Figure out your formatting, there are blank spaces and duplicates. What’s your goal with your portfolio?

Back to me:

  • people love being intimidated by Chelsea and me
  • “if he has a good incest-dar I’m in REAL trouble”
  • Canon 70-200 f/2.8 is Tony’s favorite lens
  • David Lachapelle
  • no, we don’t look at shutter actuations
  • how to shoot indoors in low light
  • are third party camera batteries worth the risk? No.
  • change your color space to CMKY and save for web with your Squarespace portfolio photos
  • what do you listen to when you edit? I will give you so many podcast recommendations if you want them. Hit me up.

Ok, back to your shoes:

Closing sentiments:

  • find Chelsea’s secret recordings online somewhere

And that’s our show! Next week show us a tree.



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Live Show Recap: Creative Self-Portraits

Welcome to another great show! We really loved seeing your creative self-portraits, y’all showed up in force! It’s good to see your faces for once. Lots of good beards.

Microsoft Office 2016, “it’s appalling” says Tony Northrup.

Not much in the way of PhotoNews this week:

Chelsea is lying about my music taste again. Don’t believe her, even if her eye makeup is on point.

Here are your photos:

  • Nick Petrides! Another talented teen stunner
  • “is this for real? Does he really have a beard this beautiful?…he belongs on a coin”
  • computer face
  •  classic Nathaniel
  • “he’s taller than the fridge for some reason?”
  • this guy’s on fire

Let’s look at a portfolio! Well done, DC Photo, one of our faves. Cut out some images that are redundant, pare it down. Otherwise great job!


  • Tony hates nutcrackers. Let’s be honest, they’re the new clowns.
  • Chelsea uses her f-off for 2015
  • mostly these guys are either mean or dumb, often both

Ok, back to your photos:

  • great hat
  • spooky mirror
  • “Am I a bad influence on kids telling them they get one f-off a year? Should I be on Sesame Street?”
  • cutie pies
  • moody blues

Over to me with your questions! Of which there were very few:

  • use that facial recognition to nail self-portrait focus
  • remote shutter timers
  • lens vignetting

Back to self-portraits:

Back to me:

  • how is Tony so baby smooth?

More photos:

Speed round!

  • “whatcha doin’ in there?”
  • intense
  • shower
  • snow eyes
  • take on me
  • handsome car guy
  • two-face
  • “our readers are 90% handsome mans with beards”
  • holiday hangover

And that’s our show! Next week the subject is “shoes”. Or beards? I dunno. “Keep it handsome!”



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Live Show Recap: Candid Photos

Hello again! Guys, guys. Guys. We are still having a hard time with the new studio set up. Please give us your patience. I am muted for the first few cuts to me, just as you’ve always wanted, but we get it fixed. Look how awesome the color looks! Tony and Chelsea aren’t vampires! You heard it here first.

We’re looking at your candid photos this week and you had some good ones.

The Photoshop book is underway! If you bought it already you can download the first few chapters at If you haven’t bought it yet, what are you waiting for? Come on. Really. And we have all sizes of the shirt back in stock! Your wishes were granted.

PhotoNews: not much this week because of CS last week.

  • register your drone! What did you name your drone? I would name mine Air Bud.

Ok, photo reviews start here, but the sound drops out a few times. I warned you.

Over to me for your questions, but you can’t hear me when I’m on camera:

  • How’s Windows 10? I don’t know, because I don’t have it
  • Canon 80D, ADD? “I’d like a camera that does what it says it does. How bout that, camera manufacturers?”

Now a portfolio review. Change your name, it sounds like the hardcore band you were in in high school. Otherwise, great port! Pare down a few shots, lead with your best.

Back to photo reviews:

  • so square
  • I love this old man
  • silhouettes
  • Chelsea on spot-color, “it was fine in Sin City and Schindler’s List, but I’ve yet to see it pulled off again.”
  • “Dude, you’re nowhere near deep enough to need to hike your pants up. So just chill with that.” Keep an eye out for Tony’s show on pant length.
  • “Everyone thinks we’re biased towards Kyle Wolfe-” “we are! He’s a great person. So sue us. Is it our fault his parents made a great human. God. Be more like Kyle Wolfe”

Back over to me, finally with sound.

  • live show for images taken in the past week? “like, spaghetti hair”
  • stock photography! Make that video.
  • “clone Justin”
  • please tell me what the miniature nun is behind me. I’m scared.
  • have you seen a backward flying goose? Liar.
  • Everyone go follow “movies in reverse.” They’ll have no idea why they got so popular

Another portfolio review.  Lovely work!

“I need to text Matt [Granger] and tell him I’m better than him.”

“I heard they [Squarespace] also let you make a free website if you barter with them.”

More photos:

  • wow, this one is just stunning
  • “man buns!”
  • “yeah, he’s a baby, what do you want him to be doing? Balancing his checkbook?”
  • “I feel like this is his daily habit, he goes here and, uh, he looks like he’s cleaning his handgun”
  • lampman “we’ve never successfully guessed the location of any photo”
  • “the long-straw diet”
  • “I like when kids just fold themselves up”
  • snow
  • “nah, he can live off just snow
  • “this baby‘s going to heaven”


  • “69furball69, already can tell you’re a gentleman”
  • Chelsea references an ELO song even though she’s seemingly never heard of Electric Light Orchestra
  • “is there anything more annoying than a condescending laugh in a YouTube comment?”
  • “just get a cool wife that will brag about your credentials for you”

Over to me:

  • Justin thumbs his nose at b-roll
  • “really, you’re going to buy a new camera just to shoot the Pirates of the Caribbean exhibit?”
  • “I’m not going to pirate-shame you dude”
  • used gear buying

Moooooore photo reviews:

  • “let’s look at sad Santa”
  • “what is this guy selfie-ing?” “himself, by definition”
  • “terrifying nut cracker. It’s probably about to kill her”
  • friends
  • “it’s just a machine that’s been designed to steal money from kids…the lottery for kids”
  • “I bet she just saw that duck fly backwards”
  • “more baubles than a pimp”

Rapid fire!

And that’s our show! Next week, self-portraits! Not casual selfies; real, planned out self portraits please. Can’t wait to see your pretty faces.

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Live Show Recap: Best of 2015

Happy New Year! We’re back after a long holiday break, looking at your best photos of 2015.

New studio set up, new technical difficulties. Give us some time to get it all worked out. You can’t see me this show, I appear as a green screen for some reason.

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Ok, let’s get into the photos. Here are our picks:


Your question and comments:

  • What were your favorite gifts this holiday season?
  • podcast is in the works
  • Chelsea is of indeterminate age

Portfolio review! Great work, Cameron. Get rid of some similar images, put up a store page.

Another portfolio review!

Chit-Chat! Some real gems this time. “I just put that in there because, I dunno, get some self awareness, man.”

Back to your pictures:

Speed round!

  • still water
  • another horse
  • duck
  • bird

Great work, all! Sorry we couldn’t get through all your photos, we got a ton.

Next Thursday we’ll be reviewing your candid photos. Thanks, see you next week!