Live show recap is back! This week we looked at your reflection photos and were a little bored, tbh. But Tony and Chelsea are still entertaining.
Shout out your mom!
Next week’s topic is food photography, and I’m hungry already.
Photo news:
-Nikon D850 announced
-Peak Design released some new straps: sdp.io/pdleash, sdp.io/pdcuff
Time to look at your photos, Lightroom wouldn’t let us edit them in the beginning:
–drone shot
-house and tree
Questions from you, via me:
-have you ever had a problem with video and audio not syncing in camera? Nope!
-a new drone that’s not DJI? We haven’t tried any yet!
-tips for capturing reflections in nature? Get low to make your reflective surface larger. Pay attention to time of day and your lighting, the light should be behind you.
-call out to Timber Geek’s mom for not showing up
Back to photos:
-mirror house in the desert “that sounds like a good way to start a fire”
-“did y’all ever have to deal with kaleidoscopes?”
–Alaska at night
–Northern lights
-wet streets
-boat over the shoulder
-hot air balloons
Time for chit-chat! Where you say dumb things and we respond:
-ROFL, moron
-“a scuna is a boat you idiot!”
-that margarita be influencing Chelsea
-I’m a young Tina Fey
Back to photos:
-fungus on lens
-face painting
-“and they never saw this boy again”
-Columbia River
-Google pixel!
-$ question: dark sky finder? We haven’t used it.
-closer in age then Tony’s hair suggests #kaleidescope
-$ reflecting on his soul
-the Walkie Talkie in London was melting cars
Back to photos:
-I missed the name of this one
-Doubtful Sound
-“he’s dead now”
-a pick for pandering
-old timey
-a university
–boathouse row
-walking puddle
-fancy duck
-street reflection
-Venice, CA clouds
-awkward portrait
Questions from you:
-$ put on a Yankee cap!
-$ keep it Boston!
-motion controlled time lapse, how to choose settings in advance? Shoot raw, auto exposure, lr timelapse.
-suggestions for a photography themed tattoo? Chelsea. A camera? Aperture blades? An infinity symbol, in Chinese. Ooh, good idea from Tony with the original Canon (Kwanon) logo.
Back to photos:
-“you did something“
-my dad drank all my whisky
-the bean
-natural history museum
-boat in the gap
A few more questions before we go:
-$ from our friend James
-$ Chelsea my Puerto Rican sister
-stereotypes are dumb and bad, except that Puerto Ricans want to feed you tons of rice and beans and drop the S at the end of words
Speeding through pictures here:
-glass reflection
Last questions:
-do you go anywhere without a camera? Yes and no, because smart phones.
-have you hurt yourself while taking pictures? Tony for sure. Proper footwear is important.
Aaaand a few more pictures:
-reflecting pool
-fog plan
-ping pong ball?
And that’s our show! Buy our stuff, sdp.io/store. Join us next week for food photos!