New studio set up! Which means no me this week because we haven’t worked out the bugs yet. Don’t fret, I’ll be back.
Things are looking bluesy this week as we look at your action shots.
Alright, let’s get right into your photos:
-getting air
-“their Amazon history is probably weird”
-“they’re needy little SOBs, aren’t they?”
-“it’s kind of erotic and I like that”
–eagle among the “skeeguls”
-“swans are the a-holes of the bird world”
–playground spinner
–stacked B2 landing
-what’s with bull riding? It’s the worst. “They like, tie up the wiener, right?”
-catching breakfast
-“don’t you feel like you want to catch him and tickle his belly?”
-pick for dog shoes
Time for chit-chat! Where you say mean and dumb things and we reply:
-Tony’s not moon-landing old either
-the moon landing is probably real, ya’ll
-$$$ comment
-they started talking about Axe body spray for some reason
-Chelsea is hella Bob Ross
-T&C are the Nostradamus of photography
Questions from you all, via Justin:
-how’s the battery life on the Tesla? Rough in the winter, and finding charging stations when travelling is difficult.
Time for a portfolio review. Jefferson Ashby. Nice shots, pare down your worst ones though, and start with your best in each category. He’s 15! Great work.
Back to photos
Justin, entertain us with a song:
-6D Mark II review? Meh. It’s good, nothing new or exciting though.
And more photos:
-interesting crowd shot
-Chelsea made an impressive Avatar the Last Airbender joke
-wild horses
–duck throwing its hair back
-baby elephant
-flock of seagulls
-“Justin, you’re too cool for me, I regret asking”
-“oh, this is how America was made”
-actual wild horses
–race car getting air
-another car
-“this guy should get, like, a man-sized horse, right?”
–dogs get picks
–bird on a thing
Questions from Justin:
-how to make sharp star trails? Make sure you have a sturdy tripod and use a remote timer or a delay to not shake the shutter.
-D80 to D500? Or wait for the D850? D500 is great for action and wildlife, but not everything else.
-$$$, thanks!
Still reviewing photos:
-“blowing my mind and exploding my ovaries it’s so cute“
-“you know, those Hispanic women, we’re just cleaning up. How do we do it?”
-skate boarder
-bike trick
-truck driver
-sky diving
-diving bird
-“I got comfortable with it, I was like ‘fight babies'”
And that’s our show! We really flew through them at the end there, but you guys had some incredible shots.
Next week we’re doing street photography with our good friend Gisele Duprez!