Well guys, this was a crazy one. Justin is in California so the show is a bit… slapdash. We lose the stream a few times in the first 20 minutes, but once we realize Skype was to blame, it gets back on track and stays there.
This week we reviewed your best photos of 2016! And we got some awesome submissions.
So we’re not sure if we’re doing the show next week, but whenever we’re back we’re taking submissions on the topic “Slice of Life.” You can hear Chelsea’s description of what that is here.
We get into your submissions here, and I’ll highlight Tony and Chelsea’s favorites below:
- “this looks like a wormhole or some futuristic anus, and I really like that”
- happy baby
- Kyle killin’ it, as always
- lovely portrait
- “oh my gosh, this is the craziest sea gull I’ve ever seen”
- juvie praying mantis
- single-light portrait
- “drummers like to put blankets in the base drum in case they get cold”
- Jefferson memorial
- Horseshoe bend
- great timing
Chelsea has a cool llama shirt.
Our photographer friend Max has a YouTube channel and is giving away a drone. Find him at sdp.io/Max.
This insane underwater photo won the National Geographic wildlife photo of the year. Congrats to Greg Lecoeur.
Now to chit-chat! Our favorite segment where you make dumb/mean/funny comments on our videos and we reply.
- “on our best gear of 2016 video, which was optional to view, by the way…” we’re the worst gear of 2016
- dropping shits is funny, killing people with drones is not
- DaddyPRyan, maybe we’ll come to New Zealand if you had a better name
- Chelsea is always bored
Now we look at a viewer portfolio! LotaLove Photography. Good job with the “booking for 2017” header, contact page and pricing page. “I’m just mad as your wife now.” I would change the formatting so you see full screen images. Lovely shots, just need to display them better. Well done, Charlotte!
Now we get back to your photos, if Tony would stop jinxing the show:
- “I didn’t know this was a thing. It looks like a gummy candy, it looks delicious”
- lovely portrait
- crazy horse
- great slice of life
- this girl is not Elin
- colliseum
- femme fatale (well done, Jim Setzer!)
- sunset
- lonely tree (well done, Ben!)
- lonely kid
- “this just proves my theory that anything in large numbers is disgusting“
- vanishing point
- “do you think he’s breaking out of squirrel prison?”
- definitely not a moth
- purple lightning
- curved road
I texted Tony some of your questions and Chelsea pulls some from the comments:
- rainy day photography tips? Take pictures of your pets, make a mini studio and try product photography, try indoor projects like one of these.
- what’s your photo management process? When do you delete photos? Don’t delete photos while you’re shooting wildlife, or you’ll miss a moment. It’s easier to do on the computer so you can see everything big, unless you have a 5DSR with those huge files.
More photos:
- foggy wildflowers
- butterfly
- aerial shot, tiny swans
A big discussion of Ken Rockwell. Give the guy a break.
- ghost city
- Maya is so talented
- good tips on how to shoot this owl
- symmetry/asymmetry
- “hmm, so this is how boats reproduce“
- bb loons
- stunning Irish landscape
- dang, car and helicopter
- “it’s very beautiful and makes me want to go to heaven“
- “it’s art, hold onto your pants, Nancy!”
- barn
- freckles
- fireworks over the Tower bridge
- stars through the clouds
- “doesn’t that bee look like he’s singing into a microphone?”
- majestic eagle
- hand butt
- lovely panorama
- performance
- great portrait
- “I love how sea gulls ruin everything”
Some more questions from you:
- any thoughts on an organized Instagram feed? Cool, but no.
- are you self taught? What books did you learn from? Tony took some classes, but is mostly self taught. Same for Chelsea, but has learned a lot from art classes.
Ok, we glance through the thumbnails and pull out the ones that stand out at the end here:
- jump
- portrait
- long exposure
- Guess?
- Sam!
- foggy island
- fox
- Andy Shields! So good at reflections.
- still life
- time lapse
- Cologne
- snow covered bridge
Final questions?
- can we make videos about real estate and product photography? Yes, Tony wants to work with photographers in genres he doesn’t usually cover.
- when is the best time to use the different priority modes on your camera? Shutter for wildlife or sports, aperture for portraits, manual for shooting in the studio or when you have time to mess with your settings, but still using auto ISO.
- we disappoint many dogs and many people
And that’s a show! Subscribe to our channel or periodically check sdp.io/live to see when our next show is, we’ll be looking at your slice of life shots. Thanks for sticking around! Happy new year to us all.