Contrast! You guys took some liberties with this one, but that was expected. We were looking for contrast in color, light, or mood.
Next week is action, so bring it!
We start off with photo news:
-Sony got the a7 SII onto a space station and is taking footage! Tony and Chelsea are repping with their nerd shirts.
-the TSA is getting more thorough with their checking electronics, sign up for precheck
-Nikon announced the D850. Meh. Tony’s real into that liquid crystal.
-Nikon didn’t send us a cake.
Ok, let’s get into your photos:
-red and blue
-beach drone
-surrealist veggies
-“lonely in the rain, that’s actually the title of my autobiography”
-b&w sunflower
-“why do guys like planes so much?”
-“she’s got the kind of glasses only a beautiful woman can pull off”
-steel on cotton
Over to me for some questions and $$$:
-Roderick, as always
-what is one of the worst things your camera has gone through and survived? Tony left a 5D Mark II outside in the rain overnight. The drones have gone through a lot, like crashing into trees. Drones: “good images, weird experience.”
-British slam! We accept your money comment war.
-does Tony have odd socks? Yes. Like any human being (which he is, we swear.)
-where will the next Wanderlust be? Somewhere in New England!
Over to chit-chat. You know what it is:
-yeah, we have a book
-4 things: Lerman Ber, look him up
-pretty gangster with that GH5 overview
Ok, back to your photos:
-contrast in the underpass
-contrast in technology
-“that’s a cat”
-coffee m&m
-“if you haven’t got the butt, you haven’t got the shot. I like that, and it frightens me”
-pick for Tony looking like Anderson Cooper. Jk he doesn’t at all.
-I’m calling you out for your spot color, Mark.
-“real and gorgeous“
-contrast in generations
Over to me for some more questions:
-thanks for the money!
-congenital anosmia question. Tony can’t smell at all! He didn’t know until he was a teenager. He thinks we’re weirdos. “Tony, you’re gonna die.”
Back to photos:
-woman on a rock
And back to questions:
-‘mo $ ‘mo problems
-is stock photography a big fat waste of time now? Hard to say, we’re not really in it anymore. You can still make money doing it, but not as a primary job probably.
Still more photos:
-weird bear
-gorgeous spot
-bench shadow
-beach contrast
-you get a pick for your name
-evil building
Back to me for some questions:
-how hard was your first flash shot and how bad did it turn out? Flash is hard, it takes a lot of practice to get right.
-how hard is it to produce something like Wanderlust? Justin is being humble. It’s a lot of work. Making a story out of footage is the hardest part.
A few last picks:
–Krystal, killing it as always
-white house in wilderness
And that’s our show! Next week is action, so get out there.
NASA is not a waste of money. Last word!