What’s up, jerks? We reviewed your travel photos last night, and you really came through! It’s a pretty ambiguous topic, but I think we got some really impressive submissions.
We decided that travel photography was something that captured the unique spirit of a place, or portrayed motion and destination.
Support our Patreon! You can vote on the live show topic each week and even see videos before we post them publicly.
Here’s where we get into your photos, I’ll highlight our picks and ridiculous one-liners below:
-“what’s the Matterhorn with you?”
-this talk of travel dreads killed me
-Tony is confirmed robot
-thatched roof
-mixed facial expressions
-Cape Smokey
-Golden Gate
-so much talk of terraforming Mars, Chelsea is invested
-Ho Chi Minh City
-girl with donkey and lamb
Over to me for viewer questions:
-what gadgets have been game changing for travel? Smartphones, USB batteries for smartphones, drones, electric razor? Noise-cancelling headphones.
-what has been your favorite place to travel for photography, and your favorite place not for photography? Peru and Portugal for Chelsea. Japan. Lucerne, Switzerland was great for photography but not much else.
-Roderick! Our generous Irish gentleman friend. Thanks for loving us quietly. Thanks for dating us.
Time for a portfolio review! Fabian Santiago. Gorgeous images, great full-screen layout. Fabian, we’ve seen your photos before and we are fans! Maybe just pare down your “on the line” category.
We very unceremoniously get into Chit-Chat, the part of the show where we respond do your dumb YouTube comments.
-nerd the Jeff out
-“kicking the greasy piglet”
-wait so… are we or aren’t we a paid shill? “You’re wrong, but I’m sure you’re used to it by now.”
-podcast? sdp.io/picturethis
Okay, back to photos:
-leave your family and photograph one place for years
–arches, now I see the Kuato
-waterfall celebration
-oh, it me
-lady in red
-Great Mosque
-Broad Museum
–Banff is fun to say
Back to me:
-10 years ago would I have imagined I’d be on a YouTube live show? Nope, that wasn’t a thing. I was working retail. “You committed, die with it.”
-T&C love Puerto Rico
-two picks happened in the background, here and here
-we’ve been doing the live show for 3 years!
-thanks for $$$! Can the Nikon D7200 do sports? Sure.
-quick tips for travelling on a budget? Stay in hostels, trade apartments while you travel, volunteer tourism, work travel, fly standby or travel by land, travel locally. Travel on container ships? Don’t take a limo to the airport. “What are we, Hulk Hogan in 1989?”
Back to your photos:
-some castle
-New Zealand
-fall colors
-“I can’t level it because I’m not level, biologically”
-“we’re the people that don’t have a ding in our car”
-airplane aisles
Back to me for some more questions:
-if you could only have on mirrorless camera, which one would you choose? a9, or the XT-2, or the XT-10, or the GH5…
-how often do you carry a tripod and then don’t use it? Most of the time. That’s why they like the BeFree.
-are you beyond bringing a laptop for travel? Do you wait to come home before you edit and post? They love the new iPad.
-Twitter Q for Chelsea: where’d you get your shirt? She doesn’t know.
A few more reviews:
-tilt-shift train
-v v cute dogs
And that’s a show! Next week’s topic is Night or Astro photography, see you then.