SPORTZ! This show was pretty fun. Justin was snowed out of the office, so he was controlling cameras remotely which is insane. His presence was notably missed in the office, but we prevailed.
You guys really showed up this week, there were a lot of great shots. Next week is storytelling, which I’m looking forward to.
Our Photoshop book is on sale! Get it here with coupon code PS10.
We start off with some photo news:
- ENHANCE! Google AI let’s you add detail to low-res images, but it’s just guessing.
- we got in the Olympus E-M1 Mark II and we’ll put out a review of it soon
- Tamron announced a new 70-200 f/2.8 as a budget alternative to the Canon and Nikon. Tony mathed it.
- Sony 100 f/2.8 GM very expensive, but it has awesome bokeh
- Sony 85mm f/1.8 as a cheaper alternative to their G-Master
Time to look at your pictures! I’ll highlight our picks and notable quotes below:
- beautiful foggy running shot
- “old person joke“
- poor goalie
- “mini FedEx truck racing is a popular sport”
- there’s that motion!
- surfer
- horse racing
- “we got two crotch touchers, two face touchers, a face licker, and a judgy kid. There’s something for everyone in this picture.”
- extreme kiting?
- “tiger rappelling, that seems inhumane”
- motorsports
Over to me for some questions:
- clean, low ISO or slower shutter speed for sports? You want some movement, you gotta split the difference. Depends on what you’re shooting.
- 16×9 prints? Only for TV. That’s a weird format.
Time for a portfolio review. Our talented friend Iris Epping! Dogs and sports. You might want to get rid of the sub-menus, most people won’t bother with them. Your work is beautiful! Great pricing page.
Time for chit-chat! Our favorite part of the show where we dissect your YouTube comments:
- generic rich villains? Thank you.
- rascal !!!
- wow, that’s a lot of hate for our Chrome love
- passion lost.
- Tony wrote the wrong word and he will never live it down
Turns out we have a lot to say about product reviews.
Back to your photos:
- “we always like to see the ball in any ball sport”
- motor bike
- good motion
- “you are not the father!”
- Tony does some ball sorcery on this shot
- “you always lift the youngest man to catch the ball, and that’s called a wifflepuff…”
- handsome snow puppers (it’s called heterochromia)
- sportrait
- bike tricks
- great crop
- Tokyo drift
- fish with an incidental diver
Over to me for some questions:
- Matt Granger, come over
- Tony, what’s your beer? Dogfish Head 60 minute IPA, always.
- G5 for review? Never, seemingly. Tell Panasonic to lend us gear. Nah, we ordered it, so we’ll have it eventually.
- why do you hate Sony? Oh dear, are we sponsored by them or do we hate them? Make up your minds.
- any future plans for the live show? The live show is for you, it doesn’t change much. We have other shows that we are working on, Wanderlust right now. And another book in the works!
Back to photos:
- jinx!
- “is this spot color? How dare you.”
- volleyball
- biking
- rooftop tai chi?
- “who are you, miracle baby?”
- great motion capture “hey Georgiius, this is gorgeous”
- “this is soccer alright, the guys are always crying and falling over”
- macro baseball
- street pole dancing
- yes, we call it soccer. No, it doesn’t make sense. Football is now eggball.
- we talked over this one but I thought it looked great
- fierce
- wakeboarding
- crazy motion
- skate boarding wide angle
- cool kid
- freestyle walking? This makes it look way cooler than it is.
Back to me for some questions:
- good sports cameras that aren’t Canon or Nikon? Not really. You need a good DSLR, mirrorless have lag.
- “I’d like if we zoomed back and he just had a bunch of sea gulls on a string”
- all time favorite iconic photo? Both from this podcast episode we did on Arnold Newman!
Tony and Chelsea were here for this shot. Who would have guessed that the tattooed beefcake didn’t win?!
- enthusiastic jogger
- “it’s soccer, they’re just really bad at soccer”
- surfer
- runners
- high diving
- ice hockey
A few more questions as we speed through the end:
- if you wanted to show your undying love for Sony, where would you get the Alpha logo tattooed on you? Neck, lower back.
More photos:
- I blush when they show mine
- “are they fighting with corn dogs?”
- golden hour surf
- “all those big football players look like little babies” “the brain is so dumb”
- back light
- full contact basketball
- spartan
“…I don’t need all that. You’re just proving that you can be electrocuted at any point in time and be fine.”
Back to me for your last question:
- set up a remote camera behind a goal, how to keep it from getting stolen? “You could use a Sony, no one will want to steal that piece of crap.” Why would you need to be that far from your camera? You should be fine.
And that’s our show. Join us next week for storytelling!