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Social Stock: Tips for Landing Social Stock Clientele

In my last blog I talked about some guidelines I follow when at a client’s space shooting for their social media feeds. I also covered some of the expectations the client may have that may be a bit different than shoots you’ve worked in the past. If you’re interested in picking up social stock clients, I suggest you first read my post about how to shoot for them, here.

Unique Garnish
Unique Garnish

With the explosion of social media and it’s strong ties to marketing, it’s no surprise that companies of all sizes are looking to stand out online against their competitors. A well-considered image is likely to steal more than a moment’s glance from feeds cluttered with bland mobile phone snapshots, but it’s getting your camera in the door that can prove a bit more difficult. Continue reading for tips on connecting with businesses and how to shoot for their social feeds.

Continue reading Social Stock: Tips for Landing Social Stock Clientele

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Stolen Photos & Photography Law: Tips from an Attorney

You take a beautiful photo that you proudly post on your social media. One day, you discover that your photo has been shared on someone else’s account. It’s getting hundreds—no, thousands—of likes! Your photo is going viral! You could be the next Grumpy Cat! But…the owners of that account didn’t credit you for your image. You’re crushed. You worked hard to develop your talent only to have the fruit of your labor stolen from you.

Copyright, infringement, violations, intellectual property, model release, commercial use—this word soup of legalese can be confusing or downright terrifying for uninitiated photographers. However, in the age of rapid digital photo sharing, legal violations of photographers’ rights are rampant. As a content creator, it’s important to be aware of your rights under the law as well as best practices to protect your property.

The purpose of this article is to introduce you to some of the key legal terms and ideas that can affect you and to provide reputable resources where you can find more information. This article deals broadly with US federal law and is not meant to be comprehensive; it’s a starting point. So bookmark this page and use it as a handy research tool the next time you have a question about your rights as a photographer. As always, if you have questions about your specific situation and you need legal advice, speak with an attorney in your area.

Continue reading Stolen Photos & Photography Law: Tips from an Attorney