Colors! You guys really showed up for this one. There were so many great examples of color as a focal point. You can read my blog on it here.
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: next week’s show is on Monday instead of Thursday as T&C will be traveling. The topic is nature.
We just got 700,000 YouTube subscribers, and that is weird and scary.
We got the GH5 in and did a comparison of it here. Justin thinks it’s great.
Chelsea goes over to me for questions because she loves my face:
- I’m the bees knees and also, what is the best gimbal stabilizer for the GH5? No idea! But not the Nebula 4000.
Now to your photos, I’ll highlight our picks below:
- these weird McDonald’s mannequins
- 100% worth pranking 1 pervert
- girl
- caterpillar
- colors in Japan
- abstract
- bokeh
- icy crevasse
- foggy horses
- “you made Justin say damn!”
- another fog plan
Over to me for some more questions:
- how did Justin join the Northrup crew? He is married to Chelsea’s ex-husband’s cousin!
Time for a portfolio review. Framed Listings real estate photography, beautiful work! Dial back your HDR on some of these, just make sure you’re not losing all the contrast. Put your drone shots on the front page as well, people will love them. Great pricing page and about page. Maybe crop out that picture of you with phallic chips. Otherwise very impressive work!
Submit some non-photography Squarespace portfolios to us so we can review those as well.
Back to me for some comments and questions:
- first a pick for Philly boy Bill Raymond’s crazy concert shot
- compliments!
- why do you think there aren’t photo travel shows, but so many cooking travel shows? No idea! It might be generational.
Diving back into the photos:
- underwear
- “look at this guy, his balloons matches his nips“
- vase
- “it’s not level, right?” “the world’s not level, it’s a sphere”
- dramatic
- blue gate
- rainbow overlay
- color block door
- ahhhh dogs
- Tony’s afraid of dead air
- haha Chelsea made a bad lichen pun and Tony didn’t even flinch
- “I’m gonna warm it up, now you have lifestyle kitty. This is Instakitty.”
- sunset bridge
- water droplets
Over to me for some questions:
- Tony, what are your favorite video games? He couldn’t remember the name, but it’s Horizon. Apparently Chelsea’s mom is real good at killing zombies.
Back to photos:
- they talked about animal surgery while Tony edited this picture
- little girl in red
- Tony’s brain is totally weird
- gorgeous unconventional shot
- Volkswagen
- lava lamps?
- London
Back to me for questions:
- monitor calibration? We haven’t found anything. Just the free Windows tool.
Here’s another portfolio! Simplify your layout. White background, black text. Pare down your photos, only your best ones should be there.
Why would you do this to Chelsea?
Chit-Chat! You say things we say things back.
- not fair!
- really real
- why does everyone think they’re siblings?
- Stanley Q-Bert is back
- Chelsea’s totally original composition
A few last photos:
- roof tiles
- man in front of a teal wall
- “yeah, kids are always drinking things that should be eaten”
- headphones
And one last question from me:
- how should you price prints? That’s hard. Online prints don’t sell high at all. Prints bought in art galleries can be sold for much more, but it really depends on where you’re selling and your skill level.
- And how should you price post-processing? Tony and Chelsea disagree! Chelsea says post-processing should be an add-on, Tony thinks it should be default.
- someone needs to make a gif of Chelsea’s extended side-eye here
Sarah Bowman! Lovely work as always.
And that’s a show! We’ll see you on Monday the 10th for your nature photos.