Hey friends! We reviewed your car photos! There were some gems, if you’re into that sort of thing. We have a video on car show photography here.
sdp.io/help to click through and a few cents for your purchases will go to us!
This coming Thursday we’ll have Toby and Christina on the live show! We’ll be reviewing your Wedding photos.
Here is the grading system on your car photos:
Grade C: Car
Grade B: + Background
Grade A: + Motion
(A+ is +hot babe)
Check out our holiday deals if you haven’t already! And pre-order our upcoming Photshop book! sdp.io/store
Ok, PhotoNews:
- PhaseOne bought Mamiya
- Nikon + Samsung merger?
- T&C on another live news show! sdp.io/ctstyle
- Pentax full-frame
- Adobe CC updates, PS customizable toolbar!
Ok, photo reviews. Here are the notable ones:
- takes a while to get our first 5 star pic, good job, ferris wheel
- then this perfect pan. 5 stars and a hug.
- what happened to Mustangs in the 80s?
More PhotoNews:
- Adobe Fuse is terrifying. “When can we make them love me?”
- Cardboard Camera app
- sunsetwx.com, taking the joy out of sunsets
Questions from you, the viewers:
- Nikon DX?
- review the Sony 28mm f/2?
- what’s your favorite state in the US?
- Adobe portfolio?
Now a portfolio review! Pare down your photos, ditch that staggered layout.
And another! Gotta ditch that title page, a solid front page photo will bring people in.
Chit-Chat! You say dumb things, we make fun of you.
Back to photo reviews:
- cool car, cool setting, sexy babe!
- 4-star ornament
- Lanchester?
- good tips given when discussing this Caddy
- pick for this GT and the man with a baby
- great environmental photo
- a rare interior shot
- weird car, great shot. “You need a heart transplant, this car will get it there”
More questions:
- what computer for photo/video editing? Watch our video here.
- Matt Granger wants to know what Photoshop book to get 🙂
- thanks for cheating the internet, Germany!
- Photoshop yellowing?
- what’s your ideal lens?
Ok, photo speed round before we wrap up, check out those picks, there are some great ones!
Chelsea made a serious dick joke at Tony’s expense here. SLAY. Then she called herself a flying B.
Ok kids, that’s a show! Join us this week for Toby and Christina. Keep an eye out for “REKT” with Chelsea.