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Live Show Recap: Abandoned

We’re back! This week’s topic was “abandoned” and it was great. Chelsea keeps repeating things Tony says at the beginning of the show and it cracks me up.

Next week’s topic is “unexpected beauty” which should be fun!

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First off, photo news:

-FAA regulations, you don’t have to register your drone. “Hi, is this Todd? Did you fly into a bald eagle?”

Time for your photos, I’ll highlight our picks below:

-Chelsea parkour-ed a baby deer over a wall once

-“it’s like us, romance in the madness, amiright?”


left behind

-abandoned photographer

-matte ceiling

-child’s dress

-nobody abandoned that Jordan. “For real? Did god just make this Jordan right now?”

-high dive. “Yeah, this is what they called the killing pool.”

-insane building

-“you don’t know what people are going through, they need that front tire money.” “Maybe that guy took his tire inside with him and died at work” “Way to find the bright side, Chelsea!”

Over to me for your questions:

-ethics of abandoned photos? Are they legal or safe? No and no. Not if you go inside! “You breathe all deep like you want to get asbestos or something.” “Dangit, I gotta find a new husband? I liked that one.” “I’ve done it, but I’m also really cool.”

-photographing sharks from a cage, should I use a selfie stick? Put on a meat suit and get in the water. Shoot from inside the sharks mouth. Sharks have soft rubber teeth. *don’t listen to anything we say. Also, your phone probably isn’t that waterproof. You could use a selfie stick to get yourself and the shark in the shot? Maybe bring a teddy bear for the shark.

GH5 or a7R II for concert photography? a7R II for sure, great low-light capability.

Okay, back to your photos:

-symmetrical abandoned house

-abandoned silo 

-peek inside

-stadium seats

-through grass

 Back to me for some questions

-do drones qualify for AMA insurance? They don’t know, but yes.

-advice on doing real estate photography professionally? Be social, make connections, befriend realtors.

-have any of us gotten in trouble doing a photo shoot? Tony’s been yelled at my security before, they’ve been kicked out of abandoned buildings. Nothing serious though. Tony being a white man with white hair helps.

Time for a portfolio review! Connor Moriarty. Use a simplified text. Maybe don’t lead with a photo that’s not marketable. Your work is lovely! Maybe fix your pricing page to make it clear which point is which price. Remove any pictures or subjects that won’t get you work. Your work is wonderful though! Just make a few tweaks.

Time for chit-chat! The part of the show where we respond to your dumb or mean comments on our videos.

-no one actually proves our crop factor videos wrong with proof

-most boring couple ever!

-Tony is not a Fuji hater

-down with leaf blowers! 

Okay, back to photos:

-don’t abandon your dog!


tree takeover

-abandoned in a hillside

-model in a pen

-lonely lady

-church bus

-abandoned innocence


-oh, I got a pick!

Time for money comments!

-thanks Juan!

-Rob Tilitz, you’re a crazy person and we love you.

-Tony never checks his messages anywhere

 Back to photos, and some were picked during the comments:

-lady laying on doors

-stair car (plane)

-table in the water?

-“ooh she’s brave! Be careful!”

-“that’s what you do when your homework is just too much”

-dark angel

And that’s our show! Join us next week for the topic “unexpected beauty.”