I think I can say that we’re on a roll lately. It might be the whisky. We looked at your landscape photos this week, and you all really showed up. There were some great shots!
Also this episode, Chelsea reveals that she is a part-time ghost. We won’t be on next week as Tony and Chelsea are traveling, but the week after that (March 16th) we’ll be looking at photos on the theme of “lines.” So lines need to be the main compositional element of your shot, not just incidental.
We start the show off with chit-chat, to get Chelsea’s spirits up. It seems to work:
- T&C should make a baby because they have too much time on their hands? Seems like a reasonable solution.
- Balki Bartokamous. Cousin Larrying is a real term, we swear.
- angry Pentax users. I’m sure that person is really a lovely woman.
- boring focus breathing comment
- Tony’s dad is a bobblehead
- very mixed reviews of Tony and Chelsea’s voice
- Pauline is hella positive
Okay, let’s get into your photos. For some reason they keep putting them in alphabetical order, sorry guys!
- gorgeous fog over the water
- “Rock Ness Monster”
- I think they forgot that picks were a thing for a while here
- silhouette
- rolling hills
- Justin does a great Windows 98 impression
- Fyn sent us a calendar! It’s gorgeous.
- Table Mountain
- “set up a tent, live your life there”
- “HDR is like plastic surgery, you only notice the bad stuff”
- don’t Bart Simpson us
- a gorgeous sunrise
- “that gets a picture from me”
- this just in: Nikon Snapbridge still sucks
- windmill
Over to me for a question:
- Nikon wants to focus on higher end cameras, what does that mean for consumer cameras? We need better bridge cameras with smooth touch screens and intuitive controls.
Now for a portfolio. Janis Farhat, we are so so sorry about Chelsea’s pronunciation of your name. It all goes downhill from here. Lovely portfolio though! Turn off auto-scroll, choose a different first shot. Tony’s hair is like a fluffy cloud. “Very slimming to cut your body in half with the sun!” Great work, get rid of your drop menus and have them each be one page.
Hahaha Chelsea is losing it over “Janus” being a name. We all have dumb names.
Back to photos:
- infrared
- how can we tell what spectrum of colors animals see? Science!
- “I only see light that bounces off of predators, should I go to a doctor?”
- “she’s my little goose poop”
- Taranaki
- C is not in the middle of the alphabet
- “I saw that movie, that’s where the demons come from”
- dad heaven
- “backbutt”
- this would be so good without that fake moon
- dramatic sky “that’s what my soul feels like when I’m going through a spiritual conflict”
- sun and church
- foggy road
Now some questions from me:
- expose for the sky or the foreground? Expose for the brightest part and raise shadows in post.
- why don’t you use super expensive cameras like the Phase 1? Because they’re intimidating and expensive. We’d love to try one though!
- a version of this show where T&C are Chef Ramsay brutal
- if you had to choose, do you sacrifice composition or light for a landscape? Composition.
- what motivates you as a photographer? The feeling when you get the shot you’re going for. Competition with yourself.
Back to your photos:
Back to me for some reason?
- relevant to Janus
- a confusing drone question for Justin
- which of the new Sigma lenses are you looking forward to? The 24-70 f/2.8
- Chris Reddy, will you make us pancakes?
- infomercials for the books?
And back to photos:
And your last questions:
- can you bracket with a moving subject? No! But you can shoot raw, make virtual copies in LR and then adjust the exposure and blend them together.
- how do you make money from landscape photography? Stock photos, open a gallery in a tourist town, get a job at a national park? Education, workshops. Add a model and sell them as ads.
That’s our show! Join us in two weeks for lines.