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Live Show Recap: Tree

WARNING: Chelsea is a human and she gets mad when people say lies about her. If you are offended by an angry woman, do not watch. Also, get over it.

This week we review your tree photos! Apparently you have a lot of them.

If you haven’t already, check out our new podcast! There are two out already and we’ll be releasing two a month.

We start the show with some of Tony and Chelsea’s pictures from their trip to Cuba this week.

Let’s see some trees:

  • “the tree won
  • “that’s beautiful. The colors, the things, the light…”
  • “that is a tree if I ever saw one”
  • Tasmanian sunrise
  • this is my fave
  • “real trees have curves, guys”
  •  cave tree


Now to me for your questions:

  • would you like to see a tutorial from T&C on film photography?
  • Sony battery grips? No.
  • is it supposed to take hours to stitch together a panorama? Yes.

Now to a portfolio! Great photos, John. Pare down your landscapes, start with your best.

Chit-Chat! “Either way, everyone walks away disappointed”

  • 1D X-2?
  • are we DxOmark shills? No. What? Why? No.
  • do we copy DigitalRev? No, again, what?
  • “nice try, but I’m not taking any shit today. NEXT.”
  • here we go… Angry Photographer. He has attacked every popular YouTube photographer at length, then deletes his videos when he gets called out. He has accused us of being secretly sponsored, calls us shills, etc etc. So now he’s on blast.
  • “the 5 worst photographers” do in fact exist. Unfortunately.
  • apparently we have giant refrigerators?
  • podcast music: distracting or engaging?

Back to me for some questions and comments, which rile up Chelsea further:

Back to your photos!

And that’s our show! Next week we will be reviewing your “back lighting” photos, so get ‘um done!