Hey! We had a big get for last night’s live show. We had the winner of Adorama’s Top Photographer, Scott Borrero on the show! He’s a great photographer, a prolific Instagrammer, and Twitter ranter. He was so fun to talk to and gave great constructive criticism for the portraits we reviewed. If you haven’t watched Top Photographer yet, you can see it at sdp.io/top and watch the past episodes and look forward to the next season!
He talks about some behind-the-scene info on the show, like that in the first episode they only had 30 minutes to both shoot and edit! Here’s his tips on getting Instagram followers (which, like it or not, is part of the business):
- be consistent
- put in time, quality over quantity
- enjoy it
Engaging on social media can get you work, bottom line. Adapting to the time is important and it’s a way to market yourself for free.
So we don’t get into a ton of your photos this week, that’s just how it is when we have a guest, but there’s a lot to learn from the information given in this show. Don’t worry, we’ll do portraits again (we seem to every few months.)
We get into your shots here. We hardly give any picks this show, I would just watch through to hear Scott’s critiques, they’re really specific and helpful.
Over to me for some viewer questions for Scott, and some weird stuff happens with my head:
- Were things tense between contestants on the show?
- What’s your workflow from camera to Instagram?
Next we review a portfolio, Deveney Photography. Scott, Chelsea and Tony all have different ideas about pricing pages. Good “About Me” page, try and put all your sections on the main page, use a different leading image, there are better in your portfolio.
We take a few minutes to look through Scott’s Instagram (@scottborrero) to see how you get 372,000 followers! He bought a point and shoot to take video and to shoot casually.
Now back to viewer submissions:
- “you gotta thump it, just thump it real hard”
- only the second pick of the night!
- Scott talks photo cliches
Over to me for some more questions:
- what point-and-shoot did you get? Canon G7-X Mark II
- Smaakjeks is insane
- how did you get your first business client? Going door to door with business cards!
We finish out the show with your worst photo submissions! We asked people to stump us and send in pictures you thought we could not say anything nice about.
- “Oh a bone wreath, Scott, I’m gonna let you take the lead on this one!”
- “a mother and father bringing another generation into the world”
- “I think what’s nice is they keep their grass at a really good height?”
- “the birth of a serial killer”
- “I hate to see like, an entire nose, I only like to see a small fraction of a nose”
- Tony is really good at this.
- “This kid came from those freaky shadows and now he’s a monster”
- “He’s a badger that just turned into a man”
- possibly a prison tattoo
And that’s our show! What a blast. Go watch Top Photographer to see the competition and Scott’s win.
Tune in next week to submit your best photos of 2017! Happy holidays to you all, have a great week until we see you.