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Live Show Recap: HDR

HDR: the good, the bad and the ugly.

First off: NO SHOW NEXT WEEK. It is Thanksgiving in the US, so we’ll be eating to excess with our families. The week after will be “Cars”, then the week after (Dec 10th) Toby and Christina will be on the live show!

Black Friday! November 27th, we’re giving away signed, numbered prints for the first 50 purchasers of our Everything Set. Keep an eye out for that insanity.


  • Chelsea and Tony were on the news!
  • Challenge! Show us your polarizing filter shots vs non-polarized shots (both RAW files to
  • “Did you just say peen?” “I guess you could say this video was… polarizing”
  • Development of the Nikon D5 announced
  • Z Camera E1


  • How many exposures for HDR? 3-5

Now to review some photos! Picks, stars and notable bits:


  • Would you alter a photo for a client?

Portfolio review! Justin teaches us about baby seagulls and why we never see them.

Chit-Chat, where they read your comments on past videos and maybe make fun of you. Chelsea’s favorite segment, for obvious reasons.

  • “Don’t be a scratch pansy”.
  • “It’s like how I look pretty until I go to New York City”
  • Leica users. The worst.
  • “Are these two dating?”
  • The professor

Back to your photos (after the stream drops and then comes back in with my calling to my dog):

More PhotoNews:

Another lovely portfolio!

More of your questions:

  • Tony and Chelsea tell you how their work has influenced each other
  • holiday gift idea video coming up! Here‘s last years
  • how to photography snowy owls

Photo speed round!

One more question, T&C’s favorite photos of their’s. Check out their portfolios: Chelsea, Tony.

And that’s our show. Next week we’re off, see you in two weeks for CARS! Have a great Thanksgiving, those of you who celebrate it.