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Live Show Recap: Outdoor Portraits

Guys, everyone was losing their minds about how bad the sound was on this video at the beginning, but watching it back now it seems you are all hyper-sensitive babies. You can skip to 16:07 if your darling little ears can’t handle it 🙂

So Justin wasn’t there this week, he had family in town for a short time, but it is obvious that we need him desperately. Hire Jason! We also had special guest Madelyn!

We looked at your outdoor portraits this week and you sent in SO MANY! There were some great ones.

As always, we get started with PhotoNews at 4:09. Canon announced the M10, their mirrorless camera and the G5 X point-and-shoot. Sony let Tony and Chelsea see the new RX1R II while they were in New York to test the A7S II.

Oh good, a new selfie stick: It is a bit better than a selfie stick though, check it out.

Tony tries to fix the audio problems and then Chelsea starts whispering like an ASMR video. But then the mic starts popping, so it gets worse before it gets better. Now it’s unlistenable for a few minutes.

We start looking at your photos at 11:06, if you can handle the terrible noises. We troubleshoot that for a few more minutes. Picks for everyone!

A deserved 5 stars and a pick for this one, which would fit in nicely for next weeks theme as well!

Ok, sound gets better at 16:07, so rejoin us!

Chelsea gives this shot a pick, even though it’s more a candid than a portrait.

5 stars for this cool lady.

Immediate love for this gentleman, Curt Tweedle. Will you be our grandpa?

Over to me with your questions at 31:43.

We review portfolios at 33:36, great start Rob Spradlin! We give him some advice on going pro at 38:37.

More PhotoNews at 41:13. Mind your drones.

David Updike may have a terrible photo of himself, but that doesn’t make him a creep. But then Chelsea had to mention sexism against men (oh boy) and out come the MRAs in our comment section.

Results of the photo poll at 46:25!

We have a poll for what future segments you want to include in the live show at

Lightroom issued an apology for the latest update! It’s since been updated again.

Another question from you at 49:13, then Chit-Chat at 50:06. T&C will be doing a more extensive review on the A7S II, don’t you worry. How much money have you crapped? I need make jokes.

More photo reviews at 53:20, and this fashionable lady gets 5 stars and a pick. This dapper fella gets one too. And this one! You’re on a roll. This one gets a pick once Chelsea crops it. And a pick for this one, great mood.

A few more questions from the viewers at 1:04:44. Tony nerds out about programming, watch us all go dead-eyed.

They speed through more photos while I ask about gels and a few babies and ladies get picks, I can’t note them all! This one is particularly noteworthy. Lots of good ones in this batch.

And that’s our show! Rocky start, but we made it out. Next weeks show is on fun colors. We look forward to seeing them. Thanks for watching and reading!