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Live Show Recap: Old Meets New

Welp, we had a false start, but we made it! This show was a quick one as Tony and Chelsea had a kickball tournament to go to. This weeks’ topic was “old meets new” which some of you nailed! Some of you phoned it in.

Next week’s topic is “animal interactions” which should be fun. I want to see all your dogs. The week after that, we have Chris Gampat! That’s super exciting. Chelsea picks on him a lot so that’ll be fun.

Support our Patreon, please! You can vote on the live show topic each week and see videos early.

We get started on your pictures right off:

-photo inception

-solar powered bike?

-we asked for this

-dwarfed building


Over to me for some questions:

-do you keep your old, bad photos? Yes, depends how bad.

-I don’t know why I sound like I’m in a can

-Chelsea, what’s your skin care regimen? Soap. Caustic acid.

-Justin, are you wearing a Bowie shirt? No.

-do wide-angle lenses always get soft on the edges? Yes. You can shoot to combine into panoramas to fix it.

Time for a portfolio! Jason Richardson. Nice, simple layout. Beautiful work! You have a great eye for light and shape. We want to see your design site!

Time for chit-chat! The part of the show where you say things and we say things back?

-you’re welcome for the laugh

-why are we so dead

-we’re the dark Mr. Rogers

-we should absolutely not teach acting

-Tony for president! Like if you agree! (no likes)

Okay, back to your photos:


-“they are ready to math”

-pup face

-tourists are the worst

-“you’re pulling a Chelsea and I don’t like being the voice of reason!”


-first of many jets

-digital and analog


-“it’s a human-milk truck, Chelsea, those were banned”


-spot color got a pick!


-old and new architecture

Over to me for more questions:

-thanks, Gaston!

-do you know what helicopter tour service you used in Montana? Nope.

-error on the 5D Mark III? Nope, sorry.

-have the photos submitted to this show gotten better over time? Absolutely. We have to do so much less leveling, adjusting their exposure, and cropping than we used to.

-going from a sling strap on a telephoto lens to a tripod? Tony doesn’t do it, he just handholds. 

Back to your photos:

-such a cute baby


-so many shots of this air show!

-“you brought them together and you ripped them apart”

-this cool old lady

-old building in new windows

And that’s our show! Join us next week for “animal interactions.”