Hey folks! We looked at your “unexpected beauty” shots this week which were… not always on theme. But it was a tough one.
Chelsea was not insulting carpenters last week. We just want to see your non-photography portfolios. Submit them next week! Sdp.io/link for that.
Donate to our Patreon to vote on our show topic each week and to see videos early! Also, our t-shirts are on sale for $18.99! Get one at sdp.io/shirt.
So we start looking at your photos here, but we have some trouble at the top with Lightroom re-importing photos constantly:
-fancy fly
-hey, hey guy? Don’t be jerk.
-“I’m very sensitive to poop!”
–balloons over Bagan
-misty tree
-eagle attack
-building shadow
-funeral march
-oh! I got another pick.
-flooded beach
-double exposure
Over to me for some questions:
-where to shoot landscapes in/around Dallas? Not really. Your plan of going to New Mexico is good.
-Rob Tillitz! I am Wonder Woman.
-alternative to Paul C. Buff Einstein strobes? Godox!
Back to your photos:
-egg shells
-just listen to Tony’s dog-saving story here, mostly for Chelsea saying “I would have gone Anchorman on that little shit” and “you can’t save a Pomeranian for the thanks, Tony. You just have to do it for the face-biting.”
-oil and water
-“I’d say that’s unexpected ugly, did you think a baby could be that ugly?”
Back to me for questions:
-a tutorial on the Mavic Pro? Someday.
-when you look at your older photos and think they were horrible, is it artistic growth or were they horrible? They were probably horrible. “Your first 10,000 pictures are your worst” -somebody. Getting mocked is part of success.
-*I DO NOT LIKE NICKELBACK.* “I should take up the fake recorder” “we should start a band, I’ll play air guitar”
Ok, photo news!
-FAA regulations have gone weird. “Our government is crazy”- accurate
Chit-chat! The part of the show where you say some things and we maybe respond.
-u r doing overacting
-Chelsea, are you related to Gina Linetti? Yes, she is related to a fictional character.
-live in your car!
-flip-flop sandals? “Pain don’t hurt” “A thong is also underwear with no butt cheeks.”
-this is a weird thing to say and do, Jude
-y’all related? “Traditions were meant to be broken” “that’s not a saying”
Back over to me, where I screw up my camera a dozen times:
-thanks for all the money, friends!
-what will we photography when our country turns to barren scrubland?
-it was pounds
-Rob is single-handedly funding our live show. You need to practice on that drone!
Time for a portfolio review! Dustin Rosenburg. Don’t lead with your about me page or with that enter screen, lead with your work. Also take out the heading of the work page. Take out duplicate shots, and similar shots. Maybe make each category a menu at the top instead of making people scroll. Your shots are nice, just work on your set-up!
Okay, back to your photos:
-Chelsea is trolling hard
–covfefe “it doesn’t matter, we’re all gonna die in a flood”
-oil stain is perfectly on theme
–Maya is so talented
-pencil trash
-the dinner
-“this is very Addam’s family”
-old coal crane
-frozen flower
-“Alan Branch took a picture of a branch?”
-“sunsets are beautiful. And you expect it, because they happen every day.”
–reflection in geometry
-crazy weather panorama
–refinery “makes me want to play Matchbox cars on it”
Over to me for more questions:
-follow up on Rob’s question about drone video. Slow down the rudders to keep the drone smooth.
-can you remove AA filters from low-budget filter? Need no AA filter to shoot textures for video games. Almost all base-level Nikon cameras don’t have them, or entry-level Sonys.
-Kyle Wolfe won’t be on #TClive for the next year or so! Teaching photography at a national park and taking college courses. Congrats Kyle!!!
-what to do with a teenager for a photo tour? Ask her what she’s interested in. See what she shoots on Instagram already. Show her how to connect her camera to phone to internet, because that’s what she’ll probably want to do.
Back to a few last photos:
-that car is not a Pantera
-ballet through bars
-fog plan!
-“ninja baby!” “oh yeah, the photographer died shortly after, just got his butt kicked to death”
-get our books, y’all need editing help. sdp.io/l for Lightroom and sdp.io/p for Photoshop
And that’s a show! Thanks for all your submissions. Next week our topic is “old meets new” which is a fun one. See you then!