So you’ve mastered the exposure triangle, sorted out your post-processing and in your spare time all you think about is photography. But then………. all of a sudden your images start feeling a bit too familiar. Your next shoot feels just like the last. A friend on your favorite photo sharing site asks if your latest image was a re-post. In a flash it becomes clear; you’ve plateaued. Continue reading 5 Ways to Spark Your Photographic Creativity
Hello again! Last nights show was great, we got a lot of really good submissions for backlighting.
Chelsea has a banana peel on her mic. Before the show, Tony kept calling it a “wrapper.” This is the kind of behind-the-scenes exclusives you can get from me. You’re welcome.
Hey! Want to show T&C around where you live? You can! They are filming a travel show, and need submissions from you (only if you live in the US for this first one.) Go to to send us a video submission on where you live and what there is to see and do.
next week’s topic is weather, and so many of you send in weather shots this week! “from now on, that’s what we’ll do. You send the pictures in and I’ll guess what the theme is”
Portfolio time! Nice images, get rid of your staggered layout and narrow down your similar shots. Title your categories appropriately if you are looking to sell your work.
“Hold on, I’m trying to stalk him!”
“I see some spot color. I’m not for that but you have good pictures.”