This show was a blast! Even though I’m quickly being replaced by Kyle Wolfe, I understand why. What a talented and well-spoken guy. If you somehow don’t know, Kyle is a 17 year old photographer from California. We met him through our Facebook group and the live show. We were blown away by his talent and dedication and got to watch him grow as a photographer over the past few years. And now we finally got him on as a guest!
Also, please let us know if we should continue calling the show Tony & Chelsea Live or go back to our old name of News, Booze, and Reviews!
We got so many stunning submissions this week, sorry we didn’t make it through more. This show is worth watching all the way through for the tips and editing that the crew gives! You can see my attempt in my blog here. During the live show we also did a gift guide for people you hate, and everyone’s favorite topic, Chit-Chat.
I honestly don’t know if they gave picks and stars this week, we were so focused on talking to Kyle. But let’s see!
We started reviewing photos here:
- beautiful southern lights, could use a UFO though
- just watch all of this because there are so many good tips for shooting the sky at night
- star trails over a lighthouse
Time for Chit-Chat! The part of the show where you say mean, dumb, or funny things in the comments on YouTube and we berate or celebrate you for it!
- “but mooooom!” Chelsea said I had a dumb face and looked like the Ikea monkey. We’re best friends.
- Chelsea deserves more laughs
- News, Booze & Reviews is back!
- totally not a green screen
- so many sponsors
- we set Kyle up for that one
- but really though, back button focus is great
Let’s review a few Squarespace portfolios. First up, Roberto Jara. Gorgeous work! Pare down your portraits a bit. Maybe change your layout so that your images are full screen instead of square thumbnails.
Next up we looked at Simon Nicholson’s portfolio. First off, get rid of the cover page, people don’t click through often. Delete similar or images, keep the best ones. Make your formats between pages consistent.
Let’s get back into your photos:
- incredible lines and great tips on how to capture them
Over to me for your questions and comments:
- How’d Kyle get into photography? From our great teaching, mostly 😛
- Sharky wants to know who of T&C, Matt Granger, and Sharky are in the ocean, who would Kyle let drown? This gets some serious thought.
- Astrophotography, how you do it? Use your widest aperture and varying ISO. Generally f/2.8, ISO 3200 and 20 second exposure. Take multiple shots and use image averaging to cut out some of the noise. There also some crazy mathing to pick the shutter speed.
Now our holiday gift guide for people you hate! I thought of many of these, and it appears that this is my hidden talent.
- GoPro Karma (which falls out of the sky)
- Galaxy Note 7 (which catches fire)
- Pebble smart watch (which was shut down and discontinue)
- Bargain Lightosphere (disappointing and cheap!)
- 5lb bag of Haribo sugar free gummy bears (they give you explosive diarrhea. Read the reviews)
- Hot dog toaster (because why?)
- An empty Leica box (the pinnacle of disappointment.)
Ok, back to your photos:
- Simon again! Killin‘ it.
- gorgeous sky
- “this episode is brought to you by Quaker Oats”
- moon rainbows?
Kyle is team I-S-O, don’t tell Tony.
Over to me for some more questions:
- how to make the Milky Way pop,and reduce noise? Avoid the moon, avoid light pollution, stack images to reduce noise. A fast lens on a full-frame camera helps.
- Kyle, who are you favorite Instagrammers? His dear Stunner friends, Iris, Fyn, Maya, Claire, Nick and Matthew. And these talented astrophotographers, Michael Shainblum, Ian Chen, Farhan Zaidi, and Martin K.
Back to your photos:
- Grand Tetons
- star gazing
- dang, Greg Shovlin
- crazy stars
One last question from me:
- What is your biggest photography related goal? For Chelsea it’s to do more creative videos and shoots. For Tony it’s working with talented photographers in other genres and learning from them. Kyle wants to get published and have a gallery show.
One last stunning photo here, and then we’re out! It was a great show, thanks for all your submissions. And of course thank you for our talented guest, Kyle Wolfe! Tune in next week with maybe a surprise guest? We’ll be reviewing your portraits.