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What’s New
Tony gives you a tour of all the new features in Lightroom 6/CC, for those already familiar with Lightroom 5.
Lightroom Basics
Library Module
The Library module helps you organize your photos and do basic editing, including fixing exposure and color problems.
Develop Module
You’ll spend most of your time in the Develop module. It’s here where you’ll master every aspect Lightroom’s most powerful image editing tools.
Map Module
Did you know Lightroom can overlay your photos on a world map? You can use the Map module to find your pictures based on their location, or retrace your steps to return to a spot where you took a great photo.
Book Module
The Book module lets you create and print a photo book. I’ll also suggest options outside of Lightroom that might work better for you.
Slideshows are a bit clumsy, but they’re a great way to turn your pictures into a video or to display pictures on a loop during a party or at a kiosk.
Print Module
Learn how to use Lightroom to make prints, and to get multiple prints from a single piece of printer paper.
Web Module
Do you hate great design, or just want to see an angry nerd? Watch Tony discuss the Web module!
Lightroom Techniques
Tips & Tricks
Just a collection of fun and quick ways to improve your productivity in Lightroom and get yourself back to shooting!
Import & Export
Dig deep into the Import and Export tools to efficiently get your pictures into Lightroom and publish them with the best quality.
Learn how to connect your camera directly to Lightroom and see shots instantly as you capture them.
Video Editing
Learn how to edit your home videos in Lightroom by using the Slideshow module! It’s more powerful than you might think.
Learn how to combine bracketed photos into an HDR image with clean shadows and deep dynamic range.
Faces & People
Learn to use the People tool and face detection to make keywording portraits much faster.
Dodge & Burn
Learn to use dodging (brightening) and burning (darkening) to add three-dimensional form.
Start-to-Finish Workflow
Fixing Problems
A deep look at correcting common picture problems, such as underexposed or washed-out pictures.
Import & Export
A start-to-finish overview of organizing and processing pictures from a wedding.
Outdoor Portraits
Chelsea teaches you to edit portraits taken in harsh outdoor light, including removing blemishes.
Lightroom Tools
Lightroom Mobile
Lightroom can link to a mobile app on your iPad or iPhone. Tony shows you how to use it.