What’s up you cool babies? This week we looked at your night and astro photography and you killed it. Next week’s topic is abstract & geometry, which is Tony’s new favorite thing. I’m excited for that one.
We start off with some photo news:
-Leica announced the new TL2 mirrorless camera
-we have the Loupedeck and we’ll put out a review soon. Chelsea uses it during the live show for the first time!
Time to start reviewing photos:
-sky over building
-moving clouds
-Tony suggests the Rokinon 24mm f/1.4 for beginners in night photography
-Tony shakes the hornets nest of flat-earthers, again, forever
-Chelsea is only good at “restaurant math”
-moon over Golden Gate
Over to me for some questions from you all:
-eclipse plans? Tony’s trying to learn it now and purchased some ND filters and those special glasses. Chelsea throws shade at the eclipse, she doesn’t think that 2 minute cover is worth it. “It’s not Hamilton, I’m not gonna travel cross country for it.”
Back to photos:
-“are you doing the flat earth thing again?”
-that cool truck again
-car forest
Over to me for some more questions:
-Sigma 120-400? No idea. Thanks for the money though!
-if you had to choose between a faster lens and a bigger sensor for night photography what would you pick? The lens is easier to upgrade for sure.
-what’s the most amount of times you’ve visited a site to get the shot you want? Over 100.
Time for a portfolio review! Wood bow tie gets it, Denslow Photo. Maybe change your menu items so they are immediately obvious. Pare down your portraits, but your shots look great! Tony says add a pricing page.
Time for chit-chat! The part of the show where we highlight ridiculous comments on our videos.
-S-AF, sexy as f*%&?
-Mister Rogers, Mister Rogers
-Tony taking of sweaters, ends with twerking
-Chelsea, beauty or smarts? Neither: funny.
-shit is funky
-Tony whispering “diopter”
-a weirdly nice comment? “Let’s save her eggs”
Back to your photos:
-why do we talk about Roadhouse so much?
-moon river
-bougie camping
-will we ever get over fireworks?
-insane fireworks
Over to me for your questions:
-how to get your partner into photography? Candy. Ask them to model, ask them for their view on the subject.
-what songs do you sing in the shower? “All by Myself” for Chelsea. None of the rest of us do that.
-favorite day of the week? Tony is patronizing you. Chelsea’s is Sunday, Tony likes a Tuesday which is an abomination. Justin and I like a Saturday.
Back to photos:
-light trail
-empty station
-Chelsea is thiiiis close to being a cannibal
-green sky
One more question before we cut out:
-how do you get the foreground sharp in astro photography? Focus stacking.
A few more photos then we’re off:
-tiny person
-Charles bridge
That’s our show! Thanks so much, guys. Join us next week for abstract and geometric photos. Looking forward to it!