Stunning Digital Photography

(28 customer reviews)


The world’s bestselling photography book of the last decade! It includes over 20 hours of video, hands-on practices, quizzes, and access to a private Facebook group filled with supportive, learning photographers.


This book gives you five innovations no other book offers:

  1. Free video training. Watch over 20 hours of fast-paced, hands-on video tutorials integrated into the book to support and reinforce the lessons. View the videos using any web browser or by scanning QR codes with your smartphone.
  2. Hands-on practices. Complete the practices at the end of every chapter to get the real world experience you need.
  3. Practice quizzes. At the end of most chapters you have the option of taking an online quiz to apply what you learned in the chapter and make sure you didn’t miss anything important.
  4. Classroom support. Join an author led private community of supportive, helpful people who also want to improve their photography.
  5. Free ebook with lifetime updates. When you buy the book and join the private Stunning Digital Photography readers community, you can download the ebook and copy it to your smartphone or ereader for easy reference. The ebook is regularly updated with new content and videos as new photography trends and equipment emerge, so it never becomes outdated.

In this book, beginner photographers will master:

  • Using composition to take great photos with any camera
  • Adjusting exposure to control the brightness of your photos
  • Setting your shutter speed to freeze action or blur motion
  • Controlling your aperture to blur or focus the background
  • Setting your ISO for bright and dark environments
  • Finding beautiful natural light for landscapes and portraits
  • Using flash without the ugly effects
  • Troubleshooting blurry, dark, and bad pictures
  • Taking great pictures of pets
  • Wildlife photography (mammals, birds, insects, fish, and more)
  • Taking pictures at night, including fireworks, stars, and meteors
  • Photographing sunrises, sunsets, landscapes, cityscapes, flowers, forests, waterfalls, rivers, fireworks, and more!

Advanced photographers can skip forward to learn the pro’s secrets for:

  • Posing men and women, with checklists
  • Taking candid, casual, formal, and underwater portraits
  • Using RAW files
  • Using HDR to overcome lighting challenges or create art
  • Macro/close-up photography
  • Using diffusers, reflectors, and other light modifiers
  • Remotely triggering multiple flashes for inexpensive studio lighting
  • Building a permanent studio in your home
  • Using studio lighting on any budget
  • Shooting your first wedding
  • High speed photography
  • Location scouting/finding the best spots and times
  • Planning shoots around the sun and moon
  • Creating star trails using two techniques: long exposure and image stacking
  • Light painting
  • Eliminating noise
  • Focus stacking for infinite depth-of-field
  • Underwater photography
  • Getting close to wildlife
  • Using electronic shutter triggers


Additional information

Weight 24 oz
Dimensions 8 × 10 × .48 in
Ebook or Paperback?

eBook only, Paperback + eBook

Online only or SD card?

Online streaming only, 64GB SD card + Online streaming

28 reviews for Stunning Digital Photography

  1. TheMomReview (verified owner)

    This should be an example on how to write an e-book!

    I cannot say enough good things about this book.

    I have been wanting to get better at photography for awhile, but was kind of hopping around between online tutorials and tips here and there, and didn’t feel I was making a lot of progress. I decided to purchase this book to make sure that I had everything in an organized manner… and I’m so glad that I did!

    The book starts at the beginning and moves through all the basic elements of photography, covering things like quick tips, composition, depth of field, lighting, etc. (Aperture, ISO, Shutter Speed, Camera Equipment, etc. are all covered.) After learning the basics, the book has later chapters that have detailed ideas for Portraits, landscapes, macro photography, photographing animals, weddings, night photography, underwater photography, HDR techniques, and more.

    I am a natural editor, and I can’t stand to read books that have a lot of “fluff,” where I am constantly trying to fix the book in my mind. While this book has quite a bit of content, it is written so that every word counts. As you read it, you never feel like you’re wasting your time. Each sentence is informative and interesting and occasionally funny.

    The book is illustrated with lovely, original pictures and examples that really illustrate the principle being taught.

    However, probably the best part is the VIDEOS. As you read, there are 3 hours worth of video illustrating and reinforcing each concept being taught. It almost feels like an online course. And when you combine the fact that purchase of the book gives you access to Tony’s Facebook page where people including Tony and Chelsea give tips and techniques, this book is an incredible value. It is almost like taking a photography course, but so much cheaper! Well worth the money.

    This book would be great in print, but it works especially well on an ipad or a kindle fire or something like that.

    If you want to learn more about photography, this book is for you. You won’t regret getting it. I have convinced several family members to buy it as well, and they all really like it.

    And the proof is in the result. I started an album on my facebook (trying to follow Tony’s tip to use your pictures) and do you know what some of my friends said? “Stunning.”

  2. PlanetRegin (verified owner)

    UPDATED ON 12/10/2014:
    Well, it’s been almost 3 years since I got this book and it’s been a great journey. Couple of updates:
    – Love the fact that this e-book is with me all the time. Whenever I need to check or read up on something I can pull it up on the Kindle (which I rarely use), or on my desktop PC or even on the phone while traveling (with the kindle reader apps). The latest and greatest updated version of this book just flows through to the device of your choice instantly. I love that aspect and it really helps to fine tune your photography at leisure or whenever that great light and fantastic place happens and you just have to click, but wished you could check on some particular info.
    – The Facebook group for SDP has really grown by leaps and bounds in terms of quality as well as quantity. Lots of actually ‘stunning’ images are posted there everyday and get feedback from the active community which has photographers of all skill and equipment levels. Also there are weekly monthly challenges at times.
    – Recently in the Facebook group, I have been seeing many updates from readers about their pictures being published in magazines and they thank this book for helping them. Personally, that to me feels like the kind of the highest acknowledgement for this book and author.
    – There is also a separate website for this book. It’s free for anyone who has purchased the book and is a great community to post your pictures, get feedback and also get some ‘inside information’ from the SDP world.
    – The authors have a fun and interactive live web session once in a while where they give updates happening in the photography world and also they provide comments and advice on photos posted by readers.
    – The different lighting setups mentioned in the book are great and have been really enjoying making pictures with those recently.
    – Love the video updates that keep coming once in a while. It takes learning to a whole new level. Keep ’em coming!

    UPDATED ON 05/21/2013:
    Having spent many months with this book, here are a few updates to my earlier review:
    – There are a ton of advanced photography techniques covered in this book: Underwater, Star Trails, Macro, Light painting, advanced lighting techniques, etc. So it never gets boring or exhausted. As a amateur or pro photographer, there is always some challenge or technique that you can move on to.
    – The Facebook group for this book is great and everyday one can see great images clicked by readers of this book.
    – Great updated gear-buying advice
    – Did I already say this books keeps getting better with time? I have seen a number of great updates since, a lot of them based on reader feedback and needs.

    This is a fantastic find and really helped me get a lot from my DSLR camera. Excellent instructions, tons of pictures and a friendly writing style makes one feel as if a pro photographer is guiding you step by step and teaching you his tricks. There are exercises that help you retain what you learn. I recommend you do the exercises (if you are new to the technique) and not just read the book passively. That way you can employ those techniques when actually shooting pictures.

    I was under the impression that pro photographers always whipped out their cameras and right away shot their for-the-magazines-final pictures with each click. I felt editing a photograph was not ok and there were so many other myths that I had as a newbie. Being in the field for quite some time, Tony explains the need to persevere, take hundreds of pictures, keep just the good ones and discard the rest, edit and touch-up as required and so many things that made taking great pictures seem so much feasible and accessible to me. (Yes, most great work is still 99% perspiration as of today.)

    This book does not dabble in a lot of unnecessary camera lingo and settings, but just what’s necessary coupled with tips and techniques to actually get those pictures. While a photography student will not mind studying all the alphabets, others like me appreciate getting straight to the point on how to get a good portrait, how to get a good landscape, what are the pitfalls to avoid, etc. So this book works great in that respect. The author mainly gives Canon/Nikon examples, but they work well for someone like me using a Sony DSLR.

    The organization of the book is great. The resources it mentions and links are great. The constant updates the author is committed to is amazing. Just yesterday, months after its release, I saw a new video added into YouTube for this book (which will make into the pages of the digital edition soon). Lots of great accessories are explained. Tony keeps in touch with the readers through the book’s Facebook page and that is a great personal touch the author puts in.

    I think it will be great if the index was a little more expanded with subheadings (at least the major ones). The other day I was looking for information on RAW files (I remember reading it earlier in this book) but had a hard time finding its location.

    Overall an excellent resource for newbies and others alike. I have already recommended it to many and will continue to do so.

  3. B. Smyth (verified owner)

    Best book you could buy for begginers. Great price also.

  4. MTK (verified owner)

    A Friend Teaches You Photography

    Engaging and fun ebook that has really helped me advance in my photography skills. Covers all the basics in detail and then moves to more advanced techniques. To me, the best feature of this book is by far the online content. Tony has made great use of this medium to produce an immersive and interactive learning experience. As promised the online content is updated frequently, and Tony and Chelsea interact often in online chat sessions. Spend some time with this book and online and you’ll feel like you’ve got a friend (or two 🙂 giving you personal photography lessons! Thanks Tony!

  5. Tamsin Barlow (verified owner)

    The book was logically laid out and had stellar use of video links which really made everything easier to comprehend. Tony And Chelsea Northrop are excellent teachers.

  6. iced (verified owner)

    This is a good read book and more. A very good photography book. It is worth every penny you pay for. Aside from the illustrations and explanations, there are supporting videos you can access which is great! I think that this is not a “paperback” but it is a premium collector’s item for a guy like me whose interest is in photography. I also have his other book, Tony Northrup’s Photography Buying Guide. So much to learn from this book. God bless to the author and his family.

  7. Wiley Byers (verified owner)

    As a long time snap shot shooter with out any formal training I have found SDP to be an informative read and the videos to also be informative and entertaining. I enjoy Tony’s laidback style of teaching. The multi-media approach using the text, videos, web-casts, Facebook page, and web site all go together well for me providing a very encompassing learning experience.

  8. M. Ruidera (verified owner)

    To my knowledge, this is the best investment I’ve made in a book. Well-written, clearly explained and illustrated, and actually fun to read (that’s a big one; some photography books are better as cures for insomnia than guides for improving technique), Tony and gang have created a book I not only learned from but continue to reference in this field. Five stars!

  9. Darren (verified owner)

    I bought the print version of this book as it currently comes with instructions on how to also get the regularly updated e-book version for free, (in several of the popular formats). I’d have possibly just bought the e-book version otherwise, but this is a great idea that I wish many other publishers would consider and it definitely convinced me to spend the extra for the print version to read when I’m home, and to have the e-book version with me when I’m not.

    I’ve only recently taking the jump from a bridge camera to a full blown DSLR. The (6 month) earlier jump I made from a simple point and click camera to a bridge camera that offered full manual and program modes, plus aperture and shutter priority modes really whetted my appetite and interest in photography further so I finally convinced myself that a Nikon DSLR was a purchase I could justify.

    Within days of receiving the camera I decided a good reference and “how-to” guide would be useful. I didn’t realize at the time I wasn’t just buying a book – I was buying access to a wonderful online community, resource center, video tutorials, and much more. Wow. The lengths those responsible for this book have gone to to provide a truly fantastic resource for their readers is unprecedented and incredibly useful – for novices or more experienced and seasoned photographers. The private Facebook group allows those who have bought this book to post their photos and have their work critiqued and commented upon, often by the author himself, to ask for help and advice – or to give help and advice, or perhaps to just to feel connected with other like minded hobbyists and photography enthusiasts.

    As for the book itself, it is presented wonderfully with full color examples where needed. The advice given is sound and comprehensive and there are many links to online video tutorials scattered through-out the book that further reinforce the lessons given on the page. The author took all the example photos himself rather than use stock images, so you know that what he is telling you gives you the essential knowledge to create your own similar photos.

    This is a great book with great advice and it deserves five stars for that alone. The online community that the purchaser can access (for free) upon purchase means there are not enough stars available on the Amazon review system that this product deserves.

  10. A. Newman “puck junky” (verified owner)

    Holy Cow, a photography book that actually teaches you real world, usable techniques.
    This book is spot on with what I needed to learn not only the controls of my camera but the elements of what it means to take a great digital picture and produce quality photos.
    I am a casual, at best, photographer.
    Actually, I am a novice at best. My spouse has always commented that my picture taking leaves something to be desired. I didn’t understand all this “photography” lingo she used nor how to actually set up the camera or get the “right shot”. The manuals didn’t really help and I needed it. But, the problem was I had no idea what resource to use. They all seemed daunting; that is until I got a copy of this book.
    This really is a simple to use, well informed guide to taking great digital pictures. I learned a lot from the examples and it was easy to follow.
    I had never thought taking pictures needed to vary. I mean a picture is a picture, right? Wrong. I have a much better understanding of what that “composition” thing my wife always said I lacked. And I now understand the different settings and controls I should use to take a good picture. I used to take one photo and be done. Maybe 2 to make sure the eyes were opened. I know get it that I need to set up my camera, not just use the automated settings, and take a series. I need to look beyond the view finder. Go figure.

    I really was impressed with the easy to understand approach this book gives. I recommend this book for anyone, regardless of skill level. It is a good read with great examples and easy to follow instruction. You’ll start to enjoy picture taking in a whole other way.

  11. Amazon Customer (verified owner)

    I am delighted that the photos I take (and keep) are much better now! One day they may even be stunning. Many thanks.

    The first few chapters are elementary – suitable for beginners to photography. Although I have been an amateur photographer for many years, I found the hints and the videos in those elementary chapters reminded me of important lessons, reinforced others, and even introduced some new ideas.

    I especially like the advice “take lots of photos and delete most of them”. In the old days of film photography, few amateurs could afford to do that. With digital cameras everyone can afford a couple of test shots to make sure everything is set right, provided we don’t miss the moment. Kids and animals, as photographic subjects, make it almost impossible to judge the perfect moment, so snapping away and selecting the best shots later is much better than stalking them until the one “perfect shot” can be snapped. That one “perfect shot” is either half a second too early or too late.

    The more advanced chapters dealing with various photographic subjects,and techniques of lighting, shooting, and post-processing are very useful indeed. The text, pictures and the videos give insights into photography that come from years of experience as a photographer. There are far too many insights to mention all, but here is just one: watching Chelsea pose for the camera made it clear to me that getting ready to have your photo taken is a skill. Being able to instantly strike an interesting pose, and add a winning smile, is a professional skill. Posing my non-model friends and relatives for a photo shoot requires patience and good humour – it should not be rushed or stressed. Also they need to understand I will take lots of photos of them, keep only the best few, and show them those shots after editing. Of course, I also try to apply the knowledge about lighting, equipment, ISO, aperture, shutter speed, tripods, remote control, and all the rest.

  12. Philip Greenspun (verified owner)

    I’m the founder of (started in 1993), so I’ve seen a lot of photography tutorials. This might be my favorite so far in terms of density of practical information. I appreciate that composition and lighting are covered before the “what do the buttons do” stuff that is typically found in a camera owner’s manual anyway. Specific photographic situations, e.g., weddings or portraits, are covered with actionable advice packaged into 10-30 pages.

    A very functional book designed for busy people.

  13. ian (verified owner)

    Hi, I just wanted to add a few words of my own to the existing reviews and, send you my thanks for creating such an amazing book!! I’d been thinking of purchasing this for quite a few months, maybe a year or more, but I always resisted because as someone who has problems with authority figures, I flat out hate tutorials and ‘lessons’. That doesn’t make things easy for me I know, but what I really appreciate about this book is that it doesn’t so much ‘tell me’ how to do things, it offers help and advice with thoughts and ideas that are more like a conversation with a friend than ‘you must do this!’ and ‘you have to do it this way!’. That’s perfect because we are all as individual as our photos and we each need to grow in different ways.

    I particularly liked where you reference Monet at the end of Chapter 2 as I also think he was a genius with light and colour, but as photographers we so often ignore the work of such incredible artists, purely because they aren’t pressing a shutter button. I wish you all the best for the future and my thanks again for the insightful conversation

  14. Rachel (verified owner)

    Just glanced through the book after wondering if I should just get the darned thing; I’m very glad I did – it’s comprehensive, it’s a real course, it’s just what I need (without knowing that before I flipped through it). Thanks for doing such a great job – this book will definitely keep me busy for months, yea!

    Take care,


  15. Nancy Graham

    This book is very helpful, and I can’t say enough about the great videos. Thank you for the outstanding work and the passion you display for photography.

  16. Todd (verified owner)

    This book will leave you speechless with all of the amazing nuggets of knowledge it embeds within your memory in an easy to understand and use the method. I know there are a ton of photography books out there… and if you are new and just think this is just another book, you could not be more wrong… complete with easy to follow examples… videos… access to facebook community… trust me, this is a book you will never regret getting!

  17. Ed Anderson

    One of the best buys I’ve ever made. Clear, concise, detailed, videos plus written words. Tony and Chelsea no one could have produced a better how-to book and I’m only 1/3 the way through it. I’m particularly interested in landscapes and HDR. I’ve also gotten great help with your video on my Sony A6000.

  18. Brent

    This book is fantastically well-written. Well-organized and concise, it gives the beginner wheels to get rolling, with enough advanced content to grow into. I like that T&C remember to emphasize the art of photography, since it’s easy to get lost in the technical side. The book is a real gem, in that it teaches you how to learn and how to think, instead of just what to do. This is where most books fail and why classroom learning succeeds when teaching the arts.

    I also appreciate that it’s written in a very personable way, with what appears to be some classic Tony humor thrown in. So many how-to and technical books will simply throw all the information at you, knowing full-well that non-experts don’t know what to do with it. Tony and Chelsea give you a tempered amount of info and an OPINION to go with it. Sometimes it’s nice to know about things AND whether they matter or not. Tony and Chelsea do an excellent job of showing you where the radio is, but reminding you to keep your hands on the wheel and eyes on the road.

    Several of my friends have attempted to take up photography, but they all seemed to drop off after a year or so. I really enjoy photography, now. I’m confident that Tony and Chelsea made it happen.

  19. angeladeedaa (verified owner)

    I taught myself most of what I know about digital photography which means, I didn’t know what I didn’t know, so I decided to start with the basics and ordered Stunning Digital Photography. As soon as the paperback book arrived, I went straight to watching the videos, which are entertaining, readily understandable and cover a lot of ground quickly. Even though the videos are available with the ebook, I would not trade the paperback for the ebook.

    The paperback is well laid out and printed in easy-to-read font on glossy paper with colorful photographs. It’s something to treasure or give as a gift.

    The quizzes are a great tool for solidifying what’s being taught and identifying areas needing further study. I only have 2 quizzes (and chapters) remaining, which is sad because I’ve grown accustomed to beginning each day with Tony and Chelsea (and a cup of coffee). The good news is I just ordered Tony’s LR Classic CC in paperback format with another 14 hours of videos. While waiting for it to arrive I might actually read the Stunning Digital Photography book or just go back and watch all the videos again.

  20. Gary Wann (verified owner)

    This is really an excellent guide. I’ve been an amateur photographer for decades, but I’m learning a lot from your book which proves that you are never too old to learn new tricks! I purchased the eBook version, it’s really good value, and I’m working through the book and the videos. I’m also using the free camera specific tutorials and they have helped me to use my equipment much more effectively.

    Thanks again and do keep up the good work!

  21. Philip Me

    Love this book it’s so good and it’s actually became quite addictive to read.
    So well written and so easy to understand. I have moved forward with my photography so much because of this book and the online videos I can’t thank you enough.

    Anyone who is interested in photography just go out and buy it you definitely won’t be disappointed!

    Thanks !

  22. Peggy Heard (verified owner)

    You always give great advice and working on helping everyone being better photography.

  23. Anderson Horn

    I’ve never seen an ebook done so well before. This first off contains amazing information, just as a standard book, and is a “must have” just on that alone. When you couple the digital integration and the updates that come out, this literally sets the bar for all digital publications. Hands down, if you have only one book about photography, this is it. Read it on an ipad and it will change your life.

  24. Faisal Otaibi (verified owner)

    I bought this book and it has amazing information

  25. Mark G.

    I love this book (I bought the ebook) and the accompanying videos. As a beginner, it’s great to get tips and detailed information.


    I got the book a very long time now, back in 2014 I think. I learnt a lot from the book, and Tony is an excellent teacher and his How to, Tutorials and both of their Podcasts are amazing. I always keep the book close to me so I can confer whenever I need. You won’t regret if you buy this book because the I one I got only 6 hours comparing this one for 20 hours. Overall, this book is a brilliant read for those are interest in photography. I also got two more others and do not regret at all.

    Thank you Tony & Chelsea what you do and for all the help & support…

  27. Dave Gayman (verified owner)

    What a find! The Northrup’s effort behind this is incredible, not just the writing part (which I know about, having penned a couple of 300+ technical books) but the supplementary videos, where the rule of thumb is that every minute takes an hour of production time.

    As someone who has consumed photography books since 1956, I can tell you that this one is succinct, comprehensive, and logically laid out. It is absolutely a stand-out.

    I’ll have to sort out later what I’ve learned from this book. I’m blasting through it at high speed. I’ve picked up at least five things I never really knew or never really assimilated: considerations around aspect ratio, storytelling (composition), RAW dynamic range, considerations I never saw around sunrise/sunset in landscapes, image averaging….

    There’s even a top-notch discussion of lighting types and methods in the Natural Light chapter. Incredibly for a self-published book I’ve found maybe 2 typos.

    It’s not for Team Cheap (though I got the book for a song as digital download), but I’m beginning to think that I’m the only one that pursues photography with a consistent bottom-feeder, outdated-equipment, minimal-outlay strategy.

  28. xa0s

    I personally have iPad edition SDP e-book. I’m also Deaf so when I found out the SDP books are now available with captions. I realize this doesn’t apply to iPad version of SDP? I really like the stuffs the Northrup has been presenting via YouTube and the writing of the SDP! So, I hope I can find a resolution to this? It would be pointless to purchase this SDP book twice: via this website plus the copy I already have on my iPad. Help?

    • Tony Northrup (verified owner)

      Hi. Register your purchase at and I’ll give you access to download the latest edition. You can also email me at Thanks!

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